Life Is Feudal Is Coming Back, But Will Cost You $20 Per Month

They're calling it a "test" for now.

Troy Blackburn
By Troy Blackburn, News Editor Posted:

Life Is Feudal MMO $20 per month revival

How much are you willing to pay for an MMO subscription? Some of the big boys out there are going for $14.99 per month. How about a game that charges $20 per month? Too much? What if I told you that the $20 per month game was the revival of a game that had previously shut down due to financial concerns?

That's the story of Life Is Feudal, which is returning from the grave, but at a cost to those who want to play. During the initial "testing" phase, Life Is Feudal will cost you a smooth 20 bills per month to play. For that $20 you will get a game with no premium shop, boosters, or any kind of pay-to-win.

The press release states that this is the first variant which will be the starting point for a series of variants to come from the company.

We reached out to Long Tale Games, Life Is Feudal's new publisher, for a bit of clarification on what exactly you're getting for $20 per month.

"Regarding the price: the $20 subscription guarantees players full access to all game content without any paid boosters or in-game purchases," the LTG PR Manager told us. "With this, players can get the most enjoyment out of the game."

We also asked how long the playtest would last which we were told was undetermined at this time. They did tell us that if the playtest paused, so would the $20 subscription fee. Once the game goes live, as long as your subscription is current you will have access to the game with no additional purchases or cash shop items.

Are you willing to pay a $20 per month subscription fee? Let us know in the comments below.

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In this article: Life Is Feudal.

About the Author

Troy Blackburn
Troy Blackburn, News Editor

Troy “Noobfridge” Blackburn has been reporting on the video game industry for over a decade. Whether it’s news, editorials, gameplay videos, or streams, Noobfridge never fails to present his honest opinion whether those hot takes prove to be popular or not.

More Stories by Troy Blackburn

Discussion (2)

bahamud70 11 months ago
What drugs they use?Asking for my friend :P

Flintstone 11 months ago
I bought into their LF game
The devs forgot all about what they made, a good game.

what these devs so blindly to themselves are showing to the gaming community, is their true cause in the gaming business, making money, and running... and not making a game that runs.

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