ArcheAge (Page 6)

Trion Worlds Hosting Special Sale In Honor Of Black Friday

Black Friday is almost upon us, and soon the braver (or crazier) among us, will be beating the tar out of each other in department stores in order to get the best deal on that sweater their kids never asked for.

By QuintLyn Bowers -
ArcheAge's Revelation Expansion Hits Servers December 10th

On December 10th, Trion Worlds and XLGames will unleash the 3.0 expansion, Revelation, on the ArcheAge servers and, you guessed it, just like every company says, Revelation will be the biggest update ArcheAge has ever had to d...

By Michael Byrne -
Summer Comes To Trion's Games

Here in the real world, Summer's been hanging out for about a week now, but in game...

By QuintLyn Bowers -
ArcheAge Announces Inactive Name Resets

If you haven't logged into ArcheAge in a while and any of your characters are under level 40 you might want to get on that -- if you don't want someone else to run off with your name, that is.

By QuintLyn Bowers -
Was Trion's Recent ArcheAge Scam Reversal The Right Call?

When you think of scammers in video games, you might think of those people who are out to get your password and steal your account in order to sell it off bit by bit for real world money -- which will then likely be used to expa...

By QuintLyn Bowers -
Trion Bans Entire ArcheAge Guild For Exploiting

Trion swung the ban-hammer hard this weekend after receiving multiple reports from players that a guild used an exploit to get the server-first Leviathan kill. ArcheAge's Senior Community Manager, announced the decision on th...

By QuintLyn Bowers -
ArcheAge's Bloodsong Update Mixes Music And Mayhem

Trion Worlds keeps chugging along with ArcheAge, and this week's Update 2.5 adds some huge chunks of content to the game, all of which can be yours for a song – if you survive the song, that is. The Bloodsong update adds ...

By Jason Winter -