APB Reloaded
APB: Reloaded (All Points Bulletin) is a free to play 3D massively multiplayer online third-person shooter game (MMOTPS) based in the modern-day fictional city of San Paro featuring two factions, Law Enforcement who take on the challenge of supporting and safeguarding justice, or as Gangs, who operate against the law and any opposing groups by any means necessary. Players can join either faction, and then form their own customized team and group to join the constant battle across the urban landscape.
All Points Bulletin (APB), designed by the creator of the original Grand Theft Auto (GTA) franchise, brings players into a living, breathing city where cash is king and territory equals respect. APB will provide players with the ultimate customization options from their weapons, vehicles and clothes to their attitude, music and environment. Like the real world, San Paro is constantly on, there is no offline, no escape and no let-up from the action once you are in-game. It is a living, breathing, constantly evolving world where players are the core focus of the action through their conflicts, creativity and sought after celebrity statuses.
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5 months agoTime is running out.
6 months agoMinimum System Requirements (Windows)
Windows XP
Memory3 GB RAM
Storage7 GB HD space
Intel Core 2 Duo E6420 (2.13GHz) or AMD Athlon x2 5800+ (3.0GHz)
GraphicsGeForce 7800 with 256MB and support for Pixel Shader 3.0, or AMD equivalent
Additional NotesSpecifications may change during development
Games Like APB Reloaded

- All facts.
if u have a good pc , a good net connection then nobody can stop u from becoming a pro, the game has awesome population , best customization and ITS THE ONLY GAME WHICH IS NOT P2W
am a hardcore f2p and i can rekt anybody in apb with the starter weapon which is called "star 556" which is very good. just read a few guides before start playing apb and dont stop playing till 1 hr
Pay2Win overpowered Troublemaker.
Broken matchmaking (4 silvers\bronzes vs 4 golds 90% of time).
Manual bans covered with fairfight.
Retarded mods closing useful threads instead leaving lol, kek, broken english and other shit.
Outdated engine.
Shittons of bugs.
10/10 glad i sold my acts and quit this shit game.
Stick with Crimecraft for more content and fun.
Out of curiosity I downloaded this so called “game” I created my character and jumped in the game and since I was new to the game I had no idea what to do and I find my self in a match with out knowing how the hell I entered into.
1.The game is absolute Pay to win and people who say otherwise are wrong and should be ignored. As a free to play you must rebuy your weapons that cost insane amounts every 10 days and have access to better gear so on..
2. Retarded gamers that are outside the match find it funny to block you or stop you from completing a mission (specially if they are in the opposite team clan)
3. This game is crawling with hackers which reminds me of WarRock (I don’t know if that game still exists)
4. Free to play get limited customization options for gear and cars
If I had to rate this game seriously I would give it a 3/10 Terrible ,This game should have remained dead..
I recommend you do not play this game don’t even bother downloading it even if you would subscribe it’s not worth it.
APB splitted their servers. Now the new and lowskill players have servers of their own. I watched some friends playing these days, that never played much shooters at all and they had so much fun. This is a great way to play a Shooter without the need to invest hundreds of hours for training.
I've been playing since RTW owned it, and stopped due to school starting up, and just got back into it a week ago. I beat someone who bought a premium sniper and a scoped pistol with just my default STAR gun that you start out with. The game is entirely based on skill and tactics (where do I go, how do I approach an objective, etc.)
It might have a steep learning curve to some, which causes a lot of frustration, but I promise it is worth it. You can make plenty of money on free accounts to buy weapons/vehicles/clothes. Good at designing, music, marketing, or just straight up combat? Make songs, make designs, custom vehicles, your own line of clothing, or just fight well in the action districts.
Aimbotters? Come on. They have been cracking down on those pretty well, and about 85% of the cases of aimbotters have been false. Read up on the forums, check the wall of shame, and try to realize your opponent is just good. They watch their back and their corners. Play like them.
Personally I think the game is 9/10 and I haven't spent a dime on it. I make money off selling custom themes and songs, and the playe rbase is both annoying yet hilarious. The mayhem that goes on in the open streets will always make you laugh.
TL;DR - Really fun, be patient, not P2W, remember it's a game. 9.0 / 10.0
i got to some level, not certain of the exact but high enough to face paying players- whom DESTROY me with their weapons. why? they bought it. now im stuck at the level facing impossible to beat players and i just cant win.
If you've ever played an FPS, you can surely recognize the 'omfgHAX' cries of the noob crowd for what it really is. This game is amazing, and I'm sad I didn't try it sooner.
Uninstalled the game, too laggy.
- full of hackers
- pay to win
shit game ever i see in my life
I didnt play for 2 Months or so and returned these days. Amazing how one is intantly back in the groove. Jump in your car, press K and there u go. Just great!
Not much has changed. G1 is another bad publisher. They released some patches and made some nice small changes but nothing relay interesting except the new Levelcap. They should surley do more, another map is needed!
But its still the best Shooter in my book and there seem to be more players now than there had been last year when i left. Join the Party ist so much fun!
maybe u try ur gamers first account on their internetpage instead of the game login. Should be a forgot password option there.
Killed by a Shotgun? I feel for you. But everybody using Shotguns? Simply not true. If anything Assault Rifles are the most used weapons.
Out of the net? They just released a big patch. Game is alive and kicking. Too bad these idiots dont do any advertising. This game has serious Blockbuster-Potential.
And the biggest bullshit is this P2W crap. I tried all weapons in the game. There is no magic stick to be bought. All these whiners crying because this or that weapon killed em. drive me nuts. You can have all the good guns for ur ingame money. If anythingu get the good stuff earlier when paying for it and there are some nice ones in the shop sure. but NOTHING is close to P2W.
After weeks of excessive playing im still totally addicted. Sure the game has its flaws like occasional cheaters or, even worse, the superlame Ghosters (Players not involved in Missions help their friends with infos or disruptive behavior with cars and such).
BUT its so much fun that ill take that stuff with a smile.
BF3 is unused till i discovered APB and my PS3 is reduced to a DVD Player ;)
Try this Game! Give it some time, you wont regret it.
I saw all comment from all games, mostly intersting and sharpmind with deep experience for each game.
I play tradicional FPS like warrock , Point blank, Xshot etc.
Here my regret to APB developer:
1. Why no restrict team use special menu (must had room leader) to join mission? SAD for me...
NEXT PATCH PLEASE build this nice menu with rules ok.!
2. WHY no KNIFE or melee weapon stabber ? VERY ODDS and dumb not listed!!
3. WHY only OPGL and OSMAW can area damage? Please man area effect is goosh musthad weapon in APB because u cant brake armed opponet teams wtih cars blocking, Sniper and long range riffle in open area mission. Yes this case happen to my lv 100 friend , so i wish APB makers can build custom redefine area weapon. My friend desperate destroy all car and his expesive cisco mods to brake that solid barrier and all his temate die in 20 min chain mission that frustate all his teamate mission.
4. I wish IF criminal can steal goods, i wish a free subject to worth fight like nice funny pet can added for money profit for criminal and enforcer.
5. Ok , based on some wiki site APB background stories lie on rich kids enforcer and criminal NPC stories. Can next patch tweak had mission for their past histories, i think ithat APB stay better than others FPS game.
6. For madness things, can APB developer build mission that appy only on fight club? I need alot chain mission for upgrade my stat char.
7. Why water in APB is solid untouched building, I WANT TO SWIM AND REACH AS I walk in ground .
BYe BYe , this amazing game must had u play for shooting, APB wont u forced u to shoot in mission always , u can relax and enjoy "social rule", U can talk personally both to enforcer and crims on same channel.
OK here my personal opinion about APB!
I. APB bassically for me is adventure RPG with some MMOFSG. U must earn bucks from Waterfront and Financial DIstricts, Spend buck for weapons, armours, car , all customs and etc
In Social Distric and PURE PVP (POLICE vs CRIMINAL) in Fight club 2 Map.
2. Criminal easier to life , can ram shops and cashed stolen goods, hit pedestrian for mugging (just 1 hp i assume) and deliver stolen car to car shop. Enforcer not, they likely live from mission awards, kill bounty players (enforcer or not), or GOOD thing steal directly unowned car of criminal that had goods stolen and deliver it to evidence room.
3. Look like GTA, no no no !! GTA only had some limited char, customize in APB are unlimited!\
4. Duel dogfighting in car mission or just chase criminal that cought stealling is heartbreak!
5. 4 G of RAM and high speed comp and internet is must, not mention unpredictable patching and restart servers, damn!
FOR my personal opinion, Criminal easly rich, enforcer hard to rich, so Police must use handcuff criminal to earn 100$ to earn big money.
Pros aboaut APB:
1. U can drive in cars for waterfront and financial distric and try all car in streets u seen. I hate play wow and others game that must kill creatures, so relaxing driving car and watch someone mission kill each other relaxing me ... xD (smile)
2. U can kill high lv player with free weapon, just make sure u know all its range, its weakness and ur best positions (first know idea from me !).
3. Dont trust someone u said "that man had better gun and i killed many times", this game only for bravemen who willing finished mission with all ways to win, car and shoot tactics and u cant pick teammate weapon , so u must carefull reload all ur weapon using resupply box.
4. Awesome building and cover and cornered building and sitemap for any weapon, so start learning all building and its range cost using car if u are NEW USER!!
5. Can be addicted to play , my friend try it from lv 1 to lv 100 play hundred hours using contact and mission learning , I JUST LOVE its random and very difficult mission and harder teamate players and opponent!
6. APB can use unlimited art creations from ur own, can redefine ur body and love to watch someone "artwork" in social distric.
7. never give up hope on mission, never give up earn money, dont cheat everyone, This gam had sharp eye GM which terminate ur account easly.
8. Never forget my favorite car Charge Cisco : small , can enter veronica lee (criminal NPC) room, can customize with mods, the only luckly car for anyone who know and love it.
Cont abaout APB:
1. watch bro u need sleep, addicted for mission and earn contact can bug ur body . LOL
2. Never underestimated all type of NTEC and shotgun type, many skilled player can kill many times with it to car and humans.
3. Too much patching time, sometimes some files corrupt (need reinstal damn!) , lag occurs when server said "server will restart in ..."
4. G1 Premium for cash APB from me just buy 1 permanent weeapon and or just buy char slots alot --100 max. Other useless, u must live deeply for low xp and low standing (XP) because if not, ur killing stat will bad or not good enough.
5. Carefull for say bad words or pishing GM or use cheat and got cought, u likely band permannently. Staff GM usually wont like recover ur id or forgive u even " u cry for mercy". I had 4 friend u had banned account alot, so dont this happen to U.
6. What I hated mostly from this game : weak weapon choice, llimited excuse of GM reason from banned (search google if u dont trust me for topics banned), VIP Escort must guard team player.
I want to guard NPC stoned in car and deliver it to car chopper for alternate misson VIP (stupidly not implemented).
Any more discussion please just wrote in here, I had 3 banned account but this GAME is the only game FPS always me curious play again !.
And then, the insane possibilities for custumizing your Char and car. You can spend days only with creating clothes, faces, Tatoos or Music Themes (and earn tons of ingame cash by selling those). Freaking unbelievable great.
Im having zero Prblems with the Servers, Patches coming in frequently, and no trouble with Hackers yet.
This is THE game for me. Test it, try to overcome the learningcurve, its all worth it.
Punkbuster is too weak to stop people's cheating.
Say byebye to this suck game and all of the aimbot users
aimbots wallers etc
I saw my teammates' car are blocked by noob drivers and we could do nothing because those drivers can not be attack...
p.s U should send me a key for getting my hopes up! lol