The test kicks off later this month.
The test kicks off later this month.
The company will keep its focus on open world and "games-as-a-service" titles.
A new blog post discusses what these changes mean for players.
Everybody gets a new boots skin.
The ‘Global Storm’ Open Beta will include several modes.
A new website ushering in the return is already live.
There's also some love floating around for Valentine's Day.
The game is a new step for the War Robots franchise.
Oh, and the dev stream showed up the next episode's content, too.
New gameplay features, heroes, and more are highlighted.
The Valentine’s Day event is included as well.
This was after cancelling planned server mergers.
Of course there's a "get to the choppa" reference in the new video.
Once again, the cult will try to take the city and those who stop them will be rewarded.
Time to see what a group of ex-WoW devs can make.
About a month to go before "Fallen Banners" drops. (pun intended)
The blocking of "watch to play" ads isn't "new," it just has its own page and more details now.
It's an effort to "build your trust" in supporting their Kickstarter.
Once again, Mr. Freeze proves that love can be dangerous.
New posts from the team break all the features down.
The blocking of "watch to play" ads isn't "new," it just has its own page and more details now.
We'll see what it looks like months from now, but so far it seems to be headed in a MUCH better direction.
The Monk will be a melee fighting class with a few support and healing abilities thrown in.