Crystal Saga
Crystal Saga is a free-to-play 2.5D browser MMORPG with a vast virtual world. Players may choose from five available classes: Mage, Paladin, Priest, Ranger and Rogue. Explore and discover the wide variety of attainable mounts, weapons and items. Find a group and take down wild beasts and barbarians, gaining glory and equipment to aid your progress. Tame a slew of available pets, aiding you and your group in battle.
Don't let the fact that Crystal Saga runs in a browser fool you! The world of Vidalia is vast and contains dozens of both PvE and PvP zones to fight in. With 50+ outdoor maps, 10+ dungeons and battlegrounds.
One of Crystal Saga's coolest features is the ability for all characters to equip a pair of battle wings. These wings can be upgraded over dozens of levels, with each levelup upgrading both the appearance of the wings as well as further boosting your character's stats.
Participate in one of the many daily contests, events and dungeons that Crystal Saga Origins has to offer. Join thousands of other players, as you explore and progress through the world of Vidalia!
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Minimum System Requirements
Crystal Saga is a browser based game and should run smoothly on practically any PC with a updated web-browser.
If you have old hardware or software, you may still be able to play Crystal Saga, but your game experience may suffer. For the best gameplay experience, we recommend the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, or Microsoft Edge.
Games Like Crystal Saga

Money isn't easy to earn, so please spend wisely.
Thats just the tip of the iceberg. STAY AWAY FROM R2GAMES AND CRYSTAL SAGA.
Thanks in advance
only waste your time
As mentioned by 'useless', r2games will cut deals with cash players to ensure a continued inflow of money.. they don't care at all about their customers, only about the money they spend. The special treatment for these big cashers stretches far, turning a blind eye to the illegal acquisition of items and character accounts via shady mmo trader sites and other means. They even allow big cashers to use hack programmes such as cheat engine to manipulate the game's mechanics, there truelly is no limit to the greed, laze and shiftyness of this company - DO NOT TRUST
Still who are interested let me review it for you. I have played the game in a stretch of 10 months or so & have a 120 level(max) character too(now a bit outdated for few weeks).
It is a mmorpg, simple as that with multiple classes. As any asian game it needs to grinding to level up at higher levels & quests are never sufficient. You can upgrade a hell lot of a thing like, wings, gears, soul, pet, mount etc. etc. etc.
Now the things you will sulk if you start trying even after I said you not to.
Class: There are 4 classes, mage, priest, ranger & rogue. As someone said earlier an mmo should have balanced classes with similar impact on gameplay. It was same when I started in the beginning too. The mages with aoe & priests with healing & buffs seemed little stronger or convenient for things. But when you keep leveling & upgrading the things become weird. The obviously weak-looking class "rogue" becomes strongest. Believe me or not a level 70 well equipped rogue can beat a level 120(of same plane) well equipped other class in every single aspect of the game! The most painful part is that r2games(the developers) know plenty well about this & never doing anything(the game is like 2 years old now). So if you still insist on trying start with a rogue character or better read the later part of this review.
Events: This game holds events & many events at that. You will get many many things if you can outmatch the cashers or high level players. But still it is appreciable that there is option. Problem is if you look closely to it the events are virtually 24x7(if you count leveling up your character too). That is if you have a real life, or if you can't play on a single character with at least one real life partner you can't possibly make use of the events.
Pay2Win: Now the cashing. It is obviously pay to win game. I said about many many events before. But what makes it most interesting that cashing is must to leech the usable benefits of most of the events(the useful ones if I daresay). There is a thing called success rate in the game for enchanting weapons or equipments, making higher level pets, morphing mounts etc. If you are a casher & a good one at that you can get anything done with a tenfold success rate than others. Example: You a non-casher(or small casher) tried to make a burning angel & at last got it using approx 700x morph crystals. You may soon come accross every good casher of your server who got it in like with 40-50 morph crystals. Luck favours how much you cash in this game. I must ensure that being ViP is not enough in the game(I was one for the whole period I played).
Now the most interesting part.
r2games: They presumably made the game for big cashers which was always evident from every aspect of the game & how no non-casher could catch up with cashers whatever effort they put into it. Yet the recent development was shocking enough! R2 gave "Game Master" access to one of the players for his all accounts. They gave him everything he asked for a large amount of money he invested in the game(heard about 200k USD). He was able to delete or manipulate his co-players' accounts at his whim or convenience(he admits that he deleted few non-cooperating players of his server!). Now somehow he got annoyed for being mistreated by r2 & got some revenge & exposed the deals! So be ready to compete with this guy in spending too if you still want to play this game! or, may be on a random day some casher will get your hard-played & may be cash invested account/character deleted.
So all & all this game is a no no for my point of view. As r2games hold many more interesting games, after that recent revelation about GMship to a huge casher, I would pass all the games by r2 if I can't spend like him!
Good luck to all who likes to play decent F2P & MMORPGs ^_^
-in-game issues are not taken care of
-unfair treatment towards players who do not pay
-banning of only certain players (relates to point two)
The game itself is not bad, the developers of this game are horrible.
to get a high level
AFK Mode (In-Game Bot): Beneficial and yes, you can literally leave your computer (overnight if you have enough time) while your character kills monsters to level up... Not as beneficial as the video would have you believe though, which brings me to my second point...
Leveling: Quest Based? Fairly accurate, as most everyone will be doing the quests to get as much experience as they can, but when you get a certain point, grinding is a mandatory part of the game as well... Furthermore, there are several dungeons that you can run 5 times (8 if VIP) per day... All in all, I would say this is kind of a mixture of a questing, grinding, dungeon-running game...
Another point on leveling is, that while the level cap is 120 right now, there are 2 rebirths (Scion and Eidelon) available at this time, which resets your character to level 1 with additional bonuses including extra skill points, attribute points, and even skills... A level 100 after first rebirth (Scion) would easily be able to take down a level 120 that hasn't rebirthed yet (mortal)...
Dungeon-Running: This game is just as much about running dungeons as it is about grinding or questing.. In order to upgrade the wings as mentioned in the video, you need to run dungeons to receive particular items that allow you to attempt to upgrade your wings... Same goes for the mounts, turning the turtle into a black panther, then combining mounts, and so on...
The dungeons are something most people will be familiar with... First one being a beginner dungeon, no difficulty choices, just something to familiarize those that have never run a dungeon before of what they are like... After that it goes into the different modes (Normal, Hard, Nightmare)... Different Modes of the same dungeon will drop same level equipment (Level 30+ equipment, etc), but of a better quality... Nightmare Difficulty dungeons will drop shards you can use to synthesize yourself an equipment set, which, when you have so much of, will give you additional bonuses for having so many pieces of that particular set equipped...
P2W?(Pay2Win): Is this a pay to win game? Absolutely... Sure there are quests or other various things that will reward you with things such as eggs that will hatch a pet for you that can't be received in any other way, but you won't get the eggs with the best pets without paying for them.. Sure, you can upgrade your mount into a bad ass battle-bear for free, but in order to continue upgrading your mount to a Gorilla Titan, a Gryphon, or the Hellwing (awesome red dragon), you will need to purchase the items necessary for upgrading mounts once you get as far as the battle bear freely, or purchase the items from other players that spend money on the game... And the same thing also goes for the wings... You can upgrade wings so far, but after a certain point, you will need to purchase the items to upgrade them further...
Other P2W aspects include a system known as enchanting... Needless to say, a +12 Sword is better than a regular Sword... and once you upgrade your weapon or armor so far, chances of failure increase, and each failure will decrease your enchantment rating, so attempting to enchant a +7 Sword to a +8 Sword and failing, would make it a +6 Sword... They do have items you can purchase though that give you a much better chance at enchanting...
There are more P2W aspects of the game aside from Wings, Mounts, and Enchantment... One of these would be Gems, which you can socket into your weapons/armor for increased bonuses... These gems drop from dungeons, and if you save a really long time, you can make one of the highest tier gems, but they also sell gems of a substantial tier as well, so someone who can simply buy a few of these, can make these top tier gems in no time...
PvP (Player Vs Player): The PvP in this game is fairly straight forward, you use your skills, potions, pet, and mount (if you have an attack mount, such as the battle bear) and attempt to kill your opponent... Fairly simple enough, but beware! A major flaw with the PvP is the ability to Crystal Rez (buy yourself back to life with full health/mana right on the spot)... This can occasionally end up being a problem if you are in PvP with someone whom you are relatively evenly matched with, considering right after you kill them, they will simply get back up and continue attacking...
They do have several PvP Tournaments, such as The Sengolia Battlegrounds, where players who P2W can rez themselves on the spot, but their kill still counts as points towards you, and reviving themselves right there is simply a waste of money...
Rebirth: Are there incentives to going back to level 1 and doing it all over again? Absolutely, additional skill points means that you can have more powerful skills... Attribute points means that your character can hit harder, dodge better, block more, or whatever you like... Furthermore, some of the best skills any class has, you can only get after rebirthing... A good example is a skill for the Knight Class, which is a passive skill, that converts a certain % of any damage you do to any enemy, to HP for you!
Another great example of a spectacular rebirth skill is a buff that priests get, which lasts a half an hour and increases your attributes by a certain amount plus a certain % value... Level 1 of that skill being an increase in Strength, Agility, Intellect, and Endurance by 25+5%... You only get 3 attribute points per level... That means that this is a buff that increases all your stats by more then 33 Levels! Last level of that skill increases all those attributes by 150+25% for a half an hour, making anyone with this buff able to take on a hell of a lot more then without...
Final Thoughts: As Magicman had said in the video, it is a relatively good game for a browser MMO, and I personally had lots of fun playing it... Main piece of advice I give to anyone that is going to try this game, is to simply pick a server, and stick to it... Yes, people can Pay their way to the top very fast, but that's just it, they payed their way to the top, while those that play for free still have a ways to go! Don't be discouraged by people that simply pay their way up, as many end up leaving the game anyways... If you love this game like I do, you can get up there as well!
or email me poku7658@y.c.
gr8 game
P.S. No answering:
1.It is different for each person.
2. IDK
3. Which Ever the One that has the most *thing* on it
Besides it taking many aspects of many different chinese mmorpgs... and also the fact it is pay 2 win, the game itself is REALLY in-depth for a browser game, once you get passed the graphics. The translations are very well done, and the player-base is huge! The game has LOADS of content, and a lot of stuff to collect. Making it a very in-depth game.
Not much on class variety, which each class only having 2 skill trees. However, it's one of those "Heavy Stat" games. Meaning, if you mess up your stats.. well.. your screwed. Thankfully, you can easily find guides for skills and stats, and the game also has an auto-set feature as well. The main problem I have with the skill system is that there might even be too many skills and many of them, if you want to optimize your build, will have to skip until later... since you do not get a skill reset until at least level 50 or so.
The mobs in the game are passive until around lvl 30 or 40, I forget which, which is fine. The music is also very well done, and the animations, for a 2D game, look pretty nice.
Again if you take the game for what it is, it's not bad, and can be a great game to jump onto every one in awhile, since it is no download and has a HUGE community.
but priest is hardest
should add a sprint function
bows need greater range and sight
Add me lv 25 , NongFa :)
Tried it out today...a definite 5 stars.
Eliwhat, TheGameMaster
and how do you get silver coins?
this game is awesome! its not really money based but the only thing that makes you pay cash is your pets. i would say NOOBS DONT TALK ABOUT THIS GAME IS MONEY BASE BECAUSE YOU HAVE SPENT 300$ FOR BA (Burning Angel)! there is loads to do on this games, you can be in a guild and do some guild quest and other stuffs, at lvl 1-35 .. you pretty much just do quest. you have AFK mode which is pretty good and you can attack mobs automatically and be safe against other player if you go AFK on Peace mode.
if you dont wana pay anything to the game, then dont start thinking about getting Super angel, Super Demon, Fire Lord, Teeka.. etc.. . you can pretty much get Morphed pet. they are a little weaker but SO WHAT ??? if you are weak then no point having good pet.
so like i said. this game is good if you want a balanced game on characters, all characters have there good and bad side, depends on what you want and what server you go in to, PvE or PvP ..
unlike other games, some character are way better than the other but this game is the most balanced game i've ever played.
server always do maintenance to give players some stuff to do like extra quest..
GM will always answer your question by sending Support to them,
BUGs will always get fixed.
loads of people on each server.
thats all for ya'll
IGN KinG ... Current Server Bloodfang Village
IGN KinG ... but i left that server already ^_^
I'm stuck in between ranger or fire mage?
shrine of kithar: Alamonk
(Also, read the comment above. thats me too)
The only thing is I don't like how you can't customize how your character looks.
Otherwise this game is so much fun to play!!
(I'm Toeto on The Void if you want to add me)