GetAmped 2

GetAmped 2 is a free fighting MMO game that follows the work made on Splash Fighters. In this game players enter the city of Wingdom and choose a fighter from five different classes. After learning the basics by battling the trainer in the tutorial, it’s time to decorate the player’s room, explore the Wingdom city and fight other players. After all, that’s what GetAmped 2 is about.

There are two battle modes to enter. The PvP mode pitches players against each other in the Stadium, while cooperative missions are started in the Mega Force HQ.

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Additional Information

GetAmped 2
Release Date
December 16, 2010
Windows (Client)
Please note this free-to-play game may or may not offer optional in-game purchases.

Minimum System Requirements (Windows)


Windows XP / 7 / 8 / 10


256 MB


1 GB


Pentium 3 1.2 GHz or better


Any GPU with 32MB VRAM

Additional Notes

Specifications may change during development

All material on this page is copyrighted by ©CyberStep and their respective licensors. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
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User Reviews (37)

Do you recommend this game?
JJplays 7 years ago
This game is honestly one of the worst ones i've ever played in my life..........Its SO horrible, it used too be good now its freakin' terrible

-Sometimes the page were it checks the updates won't even stay up.
-You dont even need to give anybody your email and still get hacked.
-Lag literally almost breaks the game.
-It just crashes out of nowhere.
-Some of the Weapons are so Identical (Ex. Absolute zero & Nova Blaze.
-Sometimes when you pay for cresent they dont even send it to you in the mail.
-The game gets really boring after awhile.
-They have the exact same events year after year

To be honest though, Its not as terrible as it is. The gameplay is fun and The fact that you can create your own skins is cool.But it still doesn't make up for how bad it is.I just wish that they'd do something in the game that makes it at least somewhat more popular.

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GetAmped2 hardcore noob 7 years ago
I totally understand and agree with people who says that it's pay to win. But since GA2 is free to play, developers like CyberStep has to find a way to make money from their game by selling higher quality weapons for gamers who buy Cash/Cresent. Furthermore, I honestly think that CyberStep is not being greedy. Just like in real life, if you go to war with better equipments than your opponents, you will gain an advantage.

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Getamped 2 Fan 8 years ago
Getamped 2 is a 3D Fighter game. (Sport) Many People used to play Getamped 2 back in 2011 when the population was active but now it is less Active than ever. Why? because there a reason you don't see to much Room host in PVP and PVE.
1. Strong Weapon can be easily abuse on short edge map in Team DeathMatch or Deathmatch.
2. The Community is very Nasty to new player in term of their rank not being good enough.
3. Cyberstep has a big mistake of not listening to the Community feedback on the problem with there Server and the Game itself now.
This Game used to take skill but it is no longer what it used to be anymore now all you see is bad player using Strong weapon to get a win in the game. (I Mean Depression Community State)
I Highly don't Recommend this game anymore.

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GA2_BS 8 years ago
PAY TO WIN, noobs with less skills can still beat you, they pay loads of money to get weapons which have: Huge hit-box, huge damage, fast recovery, etc....even if you are more skilled or faster you would still get beaten up. To be more specific, sometime it feels like I'm a human fighting with Gods..

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Getamped 2 8 years ago
+ 10 style Classes
+ Great Customization
+ Good Storyline
+ Housing System
+ Many Different Weapon
+ Skin Editor
- Hacker can ruin the game
- Unbalance Weapon
- Small Population
- Bugs
- Gender locked Character
- Unstable Server
- No English Voice Actor
- Lack of game mode
Final Rate: 4/5 (Great) The Game is fun but the Community is very nasty in it state.

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Mcgillacuddy 8 years ago
One thing that can turn people off when playing this game is the "pay to win" factor, but everything will mostly depend on your combat skill. You can have a newbie weapon and still be able to defeat players with overpowered weapons, but you just have to improve your skill on basic fighting. This game has a huge strategy factor, pretty much like any other fighting game, but a bit more vital. Once you learn the moves and tricks of the combat mechanics, you can anticipate your next move and other player's moves, as well. There is a practice mode for people to experiment with different moves and combos, but it's also best to experiment first-hand against other players. You may lose many, many matches when first starting, but you'll soon get the feel of the unique combat in the game. All in all, for players who just want to win win win, this game is most certainly not for you, but for anyone who enjoys a unique experience and fun combat, then you'll love GetAmped 2.

Now let's talk about some of the features to this game. The customization is very, very good. You can create your own skins or upload other people's skins to have your very own unique character. There are also clothes in the market that you can buy, as well. The weapons in the game have incredible designs. New weapons get added to the game frequently, so the arsenal seems endless. The choices are also vast, ranging from swords to guns and many other wacky weapons that will make your fighter a huge badass. One thing that you must understand, though, is that at least 90% of these weapons (mostly the OP ones) can only be bought with Crescents, which is game money that must be bought with real money. You can also earn Crescents other ways, like by signing in every weekend (Saturday and Sunday) and earning them from special events and giveaways. Occasionally, there is also a sale in the market where the Crescent weapons are 20 or 40 percent off. I suggest saving up your Crescents and waiting for those sales to come by, and you can get more for less. I don't mind buying Crescents, mainly because I really love playing around with the weapons. 10$ will get you 1000c, which, normally, would only get you 2 weapons at the most, so what I do is I occasionally pay 10$ and save up 1000 at a time. When the sale comes, I end up having maybe 1500c and I can go crazy in the shop. There are also draw machines in the market. There's one draw machine that you can use regular in-game money for, but the machine doesn't normally give anything rare or even decent. They may put a Crescent weapon in the yellow ball occasionally but chances of winning a yellow ball with that specific weapon are very low. Other draw machines can only be paid for with Crescents, but the weapons you may win are much more rare. If you want to use these machines, I suggest saving up the money.

There are many stages in the game, but most people prefer playing on a stage called Ayvon, which, for newcomers, can take a minute to get used to fighting on. Game missions can be a real pain. Of course, you start of with simple missions that make the game feel easy, but you'll soon run into insanely difficult missions that are near impossible to beat without a useful weapon (namely a projectile weapon). Luckily, there are people in the game who can help you with missions. If you feel that you don't have a good enough weapon, other people who do can join your room and help out.

All in all, this game is not for everyone. I enjoy fighting games a lot, from Street Fighter to Super Smash Bros. The reason I love playing GetAmped 2 is because of its vast customization, unique combat mechanics, and amount of playable weapons. The point is that you shouldn't rush this game. It takes time to get used to it, but once you do, it will feel very rewarding.

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Review 9 years ago
+ 100 different weapon style (class locked)
+ 10 style class
+ 8 Game mode match
+ Good Customization
- Unstable server
- Toxic Community
- Pay to win
- Less Active playerbase
- Hacker can ruin the game
- less active forum
- Customer support lacking
- Unbalance weapon
- Heavy grind

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Johzzy 9 years ago
A really fun and addicting anime fighting game with an overwhelming amount of customization options. There are so many unique and interesting features in this game to keep you occupied that you hardly will get bored. The fighting system is real time, intense and has a huge skillfactor. While weapons bought from the premium store are better than the ones in the normal store, the amount of skill a player has greatly influence the outcome of battles.

The customization in this game is deep and vast. The skin system is a unique character customization system which allow you to edit your character from coloring and drawing down to editing polygons. The only limit is the amount of creativity one have. You can then save your character inte a skin2 file which you can load whenever you want.

There's also a music creating system called KDJ-Plus that allows you to create your own music with classical 8-bit sounds. I personally haven't experimented alot with it since the UI and layout is pretty hard to understand but I've heard songs from games like Pokemon, Rockman and even pop music!

There's also a weapon inherital system which further enhances the creativity factor. Once again I've never seen this amount of customization in any other game. The inherital system allows weapons to further evolve by giving or replacing some moves of other weapons. To explain it briefly, you can basically make a flower weapon spawn a giant a** fire dragon to blow people away.

There are two big negative things about Getamped2, one is that the learning curve has become too steep for newer players which I know can turn a lot of people off. The game has been around for awhile so it's hard to catchup skillwise to the older players.

The other negative thing... or maybe not negative but it might be a slight turnoff for people, would be the childish community, literally(if not in age then in mind). Although this doesn't have anything to do with the actual game I feel like this should be mentioned. If you have had some experience in the community from Rumblefighter or League of legends, they have some similarities. The competitiveness in Getamped2 creates this atmosphere which makes you unable to relax. That's atleast what I personally feel.

I still feel like this game is worth trying because of the uniqueness in this game and I'd totally recommend it to friends, especially if they like anime or just cool fighting games in general.

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ugurano 9 years ago
pay to win

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GA2 Noob 10 years ago
You noobs say it's pay2win because you SUCK!
Learn to play like a pro before saying it's boring!!
You can beat Seraphic Cross or edgy accessories with VALIANT SHIELD!!!
I mean, come on!

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Getamped2 Player 10 years ago
This game is not ''PAY TO WIN'' for PvE, you can play it with shop accessories that can be bought by game money called ''WIN''.
This game is only ''PAY TO WIN'' for PvP, you need good accessories that are in the Lucky Draw.

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RheinZo 10 years ago
For any newbie that see this comment, Listen up.
This game can be called pay to win for new players, but after you become strong you can PWN others easily.
And due to the bew system cyberstep made in game, people can now craft accessories and can be easily win over powered players.
I know its a pay to win game, but cyberstep is going in the right path to delete this horrible rime.

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Someone Cute 11 years ago
The community's bad as fawk, although there are some guilds you can play with that wouldn't really complain if you beat them. And, it's not play to win. I played it for a year without using real money to get "Pro" weapons or accessories and gained 3 million points. It's a skill-based MMO. You don't necessarily have to "pay to win." If you lose, it's just that you suck. Face reality.

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ugurano 11 years ago
this game its pay to win, with splaash fighter

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usahdz 11 years ago
this game its not fun its pay to win

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kod 11 years ago
getamped2 is a fun game but it is mostly the community that drag down this game like rumble fighter in the same place too.

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Xen0 11 years ago
Although many of the other reviews are correct, I wouldn't consider this game good. The community in each server is awful, and many other former players would agree with me. The game is cheap, all the good accessories, you're gonna have to pay real money for. And a lot of it. The 'Free C' event will end this month.

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SkyPunch 11 years ago
Well, I was gonna say something, but ThatOneGuy pretty much took every word out of my mouth. Everything he said was basically true.

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NikkoWasHere 11 years ago
^ Agreed. Simple as that. xD

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ThatOneGuy 11 years ago
No this game is literal shit, It's fun at first but when you start to get better you realize everyone who does blow their money on this game get accessory's (In-Game weapons) They can't even use so half of them just run around and spam one move and go "Oh I'm so Praw!" while the rest either complain about you using a none "Rare" Cash Accessory from their shit chance machines, I Use two Primary Accessory That are the twin blades 100k win (In game cash) and Ethnic Bolo (Cash Item achieve from surveys) and I'm considered A "Bad Player" because I can actually use them Yeah this game has a HUGE variety of items and styles you can use in combat.. For a price. 94% of all those items they talk about are Cash Items which you must spend Real money on to get and most of them are "Chance items" you get from a random slot like machine which you must pay 5$ to get that chance ONCE and the spin rate to get a RARE or Gold/Yellow Capsule is 15% if not lower If this Isn't bad lets not even get started on the "Adventure mode" Even if you manage to do some of the side quest they get to a point were its close to Impossible to win without CASH ITEMS Npc or mobs Will counter spam you every time you manage to lay a blow on them IF you lay a blow on them.. Boss and even some normal Npcs Do RIDICULOUS amounts of damage to you to a point were three hits can kill you.. Yeah this game is entertaining The community is horrible From hackers to retar.. I mean "Pro's" You'll be lucky to find someone who won't kick you from a room because you don't have a range or "Elemental" Accessory.
In my honest opinion this game is horrible compared to the Japanese counter-part this American servers are just money grubbing and greedy that's it. 4/10

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Joyishi 11 years ago
Just wow. Some people hate this game because of "Too OP accessories"...
I bought a hover board for 3.5k WIN (level up reward money), and I can beat almost everyone with that. Also once you learn how to use a certain style it's just that much easier. I played as the soldier style when I first joined and if anyone were to go against me in a no acc fight I could win with just soldier on it's own. This is NOT pay to win. This is play until you master your gameplay style to win.

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ugurano 11 years ago
full pay to win shit game, ever

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britty 11 years ago
it has good game gameplay but I wouldn't spend a single dime on this game because this game is very cash based like hell and it not very fun and it require very little skill due to most the op accessory that can be very cheap to win. I think the community is very bad because there many racist people on this game like crazy just say nasty thing about you but don't even know you from the game.

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xiaoyu90 11 years ago
its good at great avyon with fwends on it itss easy to make fwends on there and tooo many ragers IGN xiaoyu90

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dios 11 years ago
this game went downhill a lot it mostly pay to get decent weapon in this game which is not good for this game and player saying the garapon is a rip off since it really has low rate of getting a weapon in game just burning cash like crazy on cosmic break meaning the same way and the game mostly lag a lot now since the server is unstable. the new weapon rate is up 95% percent cash based.

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dagudman 12 years ago
Very fun game to play. Even though most the new weapons (at least 85%) can be bought only by real money, and are a lot better than the normal ones. If you are in the game just to win and not have fun, you will have to spend money.

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pvksonic 12 years ago
its really good its also addictive brrn playing over a year now :D

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Tom 12 years ago
Awesome game! Agreed with everyone's reviews basically :P
I can also relate to Qunis. This is one of the very few games I've played for a long period of time.
Played it longer than skyrim even. And that's saying something for me :D

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BILLY BOB 12 years ago
nice customization and EPIC game overall. but the community is seriously fuc$%^ up.
some are nice but most others are jerkfaces who get mad when there beat

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Miss Nicey 12 years ago
I agree with Nookie, One of the weapons Magical transforming stick I want Is in the slot machine (both colors) I don't really want to pour like 40 dollars or more into getting the weapon I want, at least I got all my cute items from the regular store ^^.
Other than that its a really sweet game that appeals to all types of people both male and female alike~

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Qunis 13 years ago
BEST customisation ive ever seen in a game. Fun gameplay and a lot of weapons. You can make anything with the skin system, Ive seen a few people running around with Naruto skins. Don't be dissapointed by the graphics. It is the only game ive played for a long period of time. Very addictive

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Nookie 13 years ago
This game is Fun to play... Lots of weapons to choose from... They get new weapons all the time..and the servers aren't too laggy for a global game.. Lots of foreign players but it doesn't lag too bad because of it... its also not one of those games you NEED to pour money into... But you still want to ;D... At least try it... You can also make custom skins.. so you wont have to buy cash shop to make your character look Cuter, Tougher, Heroic, Evil, What ever you like ;D. They have a good bit of styles to choose from. There is also this system where you can create music for your Rooms (Which are customizable). It Obviously doesn't take much to run.. One thing i will admit.. When you put money onto the game You get pissed when you don't get the weapon you wanted from the weapon Generating machine... But you do learn to appreciate the ones you do receive ;D


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