Firefall Dual Commentary (Spunkify - Magicman)

Recently, Firefall had a large update which removed the levels within the game and added a new class called the Biotech. Spunkify and Magicman hopped in to talk about what has changed and to show off their not so talented fragging skills!

To find more about Firefall check out the game page which includes more info, user reviews, tons of screenshots, and additional videos. Don´t forget to subscribe to MMOBomb YouTube channel.

In our Gameplay Action video series we revisit our favorite MMORPG and MMO games checking out new updates or just having fun!

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Discussion (58)

ninjaguy 12 years ago
i hope it is good game

sethsamson 12 years ago

Now I have to unlock bunch of garbage stuff that i don't want to and never gonna use … to get to stuff i really want …
and after advancing to next frame i have to buy frame bay and frame … so old one i just delete or keep it is just dump stupid idea ....u got only tree free bay’s next 4th cost 50 red beans ( when u can buy package of 40 80 168 and 440 red beans from 5-50$ only buy credit card )

previous i was able to craft only the things that i want on my lvl … now I'm force to waste time and xp .. cause every unlock cost xp for now only battle frames cost CY ( crystals )

guy 12 years ago
i will trade a smite/arctic combat/raiderz beta key for firefall beta key. send to this email: ty

MaxHavok 12 years ago
hmmm so he spawned inside you and then gets someone from behind...just got my full serving of gay for the day,hahahaha

lostny76 12 years ago
The CBT for this game is so broken that it is unplayable I find zero fun in this game as it stands. Also by the time this game comes out Planetside 2 will be out or at least in open beta. The person who picks this game over Planetside 2 is just plain retarded.

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Rufinus 12 years ago
XxSTEELxX— already got his
IHateMMOs— already got his
bad1one— already got his

Soxx you the last one. send me your email so i can send invite

Inflictious 12 years ago
I know,
You just needed a week for a summer holiday.

Where is Selfius?
Been along time, I kinda miss that Grumpy Bas*ard. lol


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Inflictious 12 years ago
* Sigh *
No free to play cast last week !
Seen enough FireFall that i can't watch this.
Cya next week Magicman.


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Rufinus 12 years ago
XxSTEELxX— already got his
bad1one— already got his

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Subaru 12 years ago
Red5 Studios was nice and gave one another key. 5th reply gets it

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kaisergali 12 years ago
I want so much to try this game and for some reason I never got a beta key><. Never thought it'll be so hard to get a cbt key before o.o.

Warofhelll 12 years ago
I have 1 invite to give away. first to reply with email gets it hoop you will have funn in game good luck al

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Subaru 12 years ago
I have 1 invite to give away. first to reply with email gets it

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Rufinus 12 years ago
bad1one--- already got his

were the first people too reply so they get the invites.
the rest of you i have send you a message please reply with your email.

ThcMonkee 12 years ago
I can invite two people but i need your emails. Actually you would be doing me a favor, if two people accept my invite i'm getting a weird looking pet.

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Forgott3n 12 years ago
Turn on the god damn flashlight ffs..

franco 12 years ago
can someone give me beta key?

chefmadness 12 years ago
I am not a PVP player I really like questing & PVE. Is the PVE any good in firefall I think the game looks awesome!!! Hope questing is awesome as well. Can some one please tell me how the PVE is for firefall!!! I liked borderlands a lot so i hope firefall is as good in questing. I have been looking for a shooter mmorpg for a long time. Wish they would make a borderlands mmorpg!

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Rufinus 12 years ago
got 4 keys too give away again

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Rinor 12 years ago
Spunk ur good at pvp it seems. idk maybe i havent try the game and i dont know but i would believe it owuld be better if u tried to get up close and personal with the shotty to do more dmg instead of firing it off at distance :S and magicman i aint gunna say anything apart from good job first round for getting positive kd WooYa! :D cant wait to try FF

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puzzless 12 years ago
spunkify why did you leave mmohut you and omer where good duel commentary

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Kyt Dotson 12 years ago
I too think that I've seen remarkable improvement every time a patch comes out in this beta. It's obvious that they're doing a good job of getting down to the nuts-and-bolts and although it does teeter wildly on some of the balance issues I've seen, the best place to do balance tweaking (or smacking) is in the beta.

I'm still a little bit bothered by how dark it gets, but perhaps that's just me. The battleframes at least create this weird neon-effect when running around that's easy to target, and of course the HUD marker, but it's rather crazy.

ThcMonkee 12 years ago
High 5 to Red 5 for the milestone patch. I beta tested a serious crap tone of games and i never saw a dev team change its development plan mid beta. Beta was always used only for bug squashing. And their open world concept is rock solid. I will be my PVE game. It is undeniable that the dev team cares about its game.

Good dual commentary. Interviews are nice and all but it is the MMOBomb Originals that make me come back to MMOBomb.

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