Killer Instinct launches on PC, Wildstar launches a big update, all that and more, this… is Free To Play Weekly!...
Remember when you went to the store, bought the latest fighting game, and came home to kick the crap out of everyone? Remember how easy that was? Well just WAIT until you check out how easy "FREE" makes the process as we take a look at Microsoft's latest "free" offering in Killer Instinct!
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Killer Instinct launches on PC, Wildstar launches a big update, all that and more, this… is Free To Play Weekly!...
Two bodies, one brain...but does it hold up?
NCSoft and Amazon Games bring the F2P MMORPG to a global audience, but will they like it?
Strip the dungeons out of an MMORPG and just play those.
"It's a bold strategy, Cotton, let's see if it pays off for 'em"
1.stand up for yourself.
2.Learn to have fun and show good Sportmanship as a player.
3.Learn different tactics.
4.Show respect for other player.
5.Learn to Social with people.
1.Don't be a hacker.(Criminal)
2.Don't Exploit games.
3.Don't Become a Powercreep player.
4.Don't Gamble money away on video game.
5.Don't be rude to developer
And again this isn't an mmo.
And the argument that you cover free games is also null since you mention things like black desert, guild wars 2
your best bet it to follow https://twitter.com/DaveMcNinja on twitter for updates to the rotating character.
It happens on a biweekly/3 week change give or take. You don't know whom it will be until it's posted.
April 6th
Jago is Free to Play in #KISeason3 on XBOX One and Windows 10. A new character will be rotated every Wednesday
your welcome
the game is free with a different form of character rotation. You guys really need to get over putting games on your website to bash them as if they're threating mmo existance or something. It's not other games faults no one is making mmos that create grindy gameplay that probably drives people away
Regarding the bundles (and correct me if I'm wrong here), according to my (short) research, you can get every character that is available at this point (25 characters?) for 60$. So that is basically your 60$ full game price tag right there. On top of that there is the option to try it for free. So I really don't get your complaint. Also, imagine I am a guy, who only likes to play a certain amout of characters, so instead of having to pay 60 and get everything, I can actually pay less and just take the ones I like? That sounds pretty fair to me.
And every new character that is released past that Season 3 thing, you can consider DLC or an expansion. That would have happend with a 60$ price tag from the start as well. To conclude my post, I think that is a very fair way to price a game and I honestly think most of your arguments are short sighted. The only more or less legitimate critique, is them using the word "free" as part of their advertising on the webiste.
But yeah you could say that the mmo market is the real introduction to the mainstream gaming console like games of thinking they could get away with charging 60 dollars for dlc every year.
And the graphics level of this game go way beyond a cash in skin game like league of legends. So if your gonna bash this you might as well bash your whole career