Free To Play Weekly – Triad Wars, Global Agenda 2, S.W.A.P. (ep.141)

United Front explores an open-world of crime with Triad Wars, Global Agenda 2 may be headed into closed beta this year, Counter-Strike Nexon Zombies crawls into open beta, Dota 2 changes its map and Defiance begins in-game preparations for its third season. All of this and more on this week’s episode of the Free-to-Play weekly!

Free-To-Play Weekly with Natsumii is the exclusive web show from This show presents you with the most important news of the week about free-to-play online games and the latest releases, with a few jokes thrown in for good measure. Have fun and expect a new show next week!

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Discussion (4)

GLOBAL AGENDA 10 years ago
WOW great news, global agenda was so good and failed because of stupid business model , waiting GLOBAL AGENDA 2 !!!

KickIT 10 years ago
S.W.A.P. = that in the garbage!!!!

70calories 10 years ago
Ah so Global Agenda as a MMO failed so there downgrading to a run-of-the-mil lobby shooter way to milk it HI-Res

marocan 10 years ago
Triad Wars is the best.;)

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