Free to Play Weekly (ep.09)

Welcome to the episode 9 of Free-To-Play Weekly, the exclusive web show from This show presents you with the most important news of the week about free-to-play online games and the latest releases, with a few jokes thrown in for good measure. Have fun and expect a new show next week!

Game of the Week: Lost Saga

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Discussion (8)

Dencha 11 years ago
Some nice games this time :)

Luna 13 years ago
How could the game Fallen Earth be on Free to Play Weekly when I go to there website and it costs a subscription fee to play? don't make sense...

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egfdhgfdc 13 years ago
Holy crap they really did bring in a REAL tank for research of World of tanks XD so awesome!

movieman14 13 years ago
Awesome! :D Nice to finally see a mildly social mmo (milmo) in the mix! Heading in the right direction fast mmo bomb ;)

plebku6 13 years ago
2 questions:
Why the featured moment of the week isn't actually inside the games?
And why every good game such as lost saga have IP Block to my country?? TT_TT

shannondream89 13 years ago
question has GRO an ETA?

broodbran 13 years ago
Awesome episode, first comment :)

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