Free To Play Weekly (Ep.86)

This week on Free to Play Weekly: Capcom announces Monster Hunter Online MMO, Firefall finally gets an open beta date, World of Tanks player security is breached, Hakwen adds a support mech, and much more!

Free-To-Play Weekly with Hannah Noble is the exclusive web show from This show presents you with the most important news of the week about free-to-play online games and the latest releases, with a few jokes thrown in for good measure. Have fun and expect a new show next week!

Don´t forget to subscribe to Free to Play Weekly via Youtube Youtube and iTunes iTunes.


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Discussion (19)

Mandingo 11 years ago
Blonde.... meh.

Cipher 11 years ago
Nice show. Thanks for the update!

GamingMaster 11 years ago
Nice job :)

... too bad WoT had this problem .. I don't trust them anymore so I stopped playing it

Now i'm waiting for Neverwinter

Zac 11 years ago
New MMOs really need to stop shooting themselves in the foot with their choice of engines. Cry Engine 3 is the worst choice of engine for an MMO since Hero Engine, if not worse;/

Hardware requirements ^, player base v .

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ChrisHateZ 11 years ago
I'm dissapointed you didn't show footage of alien mode gameplay for Arctic Combat, especially since youtube is filled with videos from that mode now. Instead you just put some random footage.

Also Far Cry 3 is using Dunia Engine 2, which is a heavily modified Dunia Engine. From what Iv'e found out they used only some assets (codes) of Cry Engine 3.

So i have to say that i really am dissapointed with MMOBomb now, and the quality of your news. Hopefully you guys will be able to get back on the right track soon, because this is really just...

Xerlleon 11 years ago
I wanted to just drop by and say well done Hannah and the MMOBomb team. This was a long F2P Weekly with much more info than the last; you presented the info in a professional manner and you look more confident with each video.

I must say I started to get worried that MMOBomb was falling short in terms of news and detailed information, but this episode shows that the team is starting to get back on track. Awesome Job Hannah.

iberaider 11 years ago
Quick correction. Far Cry 3 is made with the Dunia Engine.

Far Cry hasn't used a CryEngine since the original.

spell 11 years ago
8:31 pirates launch year is 2007? WTF!!

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from__hell 11 years ago
IDK about the new Arctic Combat mode, f;king giant flying fish at the end is a bitch

Guyshowz 11 years ago
Nice one!

Okofire 11 years ago
First! Mounted!

I miss so much Jessica Brohard. :(

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