Infinite Crisis Video Interview - E3 2013

MMOBomb meets up with Turbine the developers behind Infintie Crisis to find out just what makes this Superhero MOBA different from all the others. We touch on the game's destructible environments, new modes, team triggered global events, Esports future, and more.

You can keep track of more E3 Free-to-Play news and videos as it comes in by clicking here.

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Discussion (4)

Arnemmorpg 11 years ago
You should put a foam mmobomb sign on your microphone so everyone knows who is talking. In times like these you shouldn’t have a plain mic… Every bit of advertising helps.

chefmadness 11 years ago
So when are they going to have a first look vid for the new Firefall & Rift since it went f2p 2 days ago?

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Azrael Oaks 11 years ago
Moooooooounted D: <

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