MMO THOUGHTS: Are Battle Royales Better When They "Make Sense"?

Battle royale games are getting to be less than a dime a dozen, but are they better when they "make sense" lore or story wise? Do they draw you in more? What's the IP you think lends itself to being a battle royale more than all the others?

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Music Credit:
Music: Arp Bounce - Geographer
Support by RFM - NCM:

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Discussion (1)

rickshaw 3 years ago
Battle Royales make no sense at all as they are test rings that was done during game tests.
basically its a room with some items thrown , players thrown in and a wall comes creeping in and who at the end maybe wins or who ever loses just jumps onto the next game or can be placed back in. that's it.
Battle royales are not really games, as theya re used for area in game development.

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