Mobius Final Fantasy - Gameplay First Look

Square Enix brings its mobile title Mobius Final Fantasy to the PC. Does it hold up as a good time waster without being a cash grab?

To find out more about Mobius Final Fantasy, check out the game page which includes more info, user reviews, screenshots and additional videos. Don´t forget to subscribe to MMOBomb YouTube channel.

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Discussion (6)

Dustin 8 years ago
ok first of all to those that are complaining, this pc ported version was terrible on launch day with failed servers everywhere except korea. after that was solved the game works flawlessly graphics are beautiful compared to mobile and BOTH versions are free (ios\android&PC) and if its so boring on mobile u have to understand this game has been out for quite a while, but the pc port just came out a couple days ago

NotMyCupOfTea 8 years ago
Its like a rail rpg with card collecting. Pretty boring game, pretty. You can get a pc version free on steam.

rickshaw 8 years ago
I use Koplayer or Memu emulators for mobile play on the PC! (each emu servers different mobile games)
They are the best ways to play mobile games as the tiny crappy mobile screen sucks, and mouse and keyboard on the PC rules! you got the advantaged! plus you really get to see just how much trash there is in a big screen view on mobile! I do a lot of uninstalling, The other thing is your privacy on the emulators is blank to the devs. The FF game is ok to play. my main game is pirate plunder which is a 5 minute daily login game! lol

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