Shop Titans - Gameplay First Look

Ever wanted to own your own shop in an MMO? Well if you are into clicker games, Shop Titans might fill that urge for you as you catch up on your favorite shows or streams.

To find out more about Shop Titans, check out the game page which includes more info, user reviews, screenshots and additional videos. Don´t forget to subscribe to MMOBomb YouTube channel.

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Discussion (3)

Ghestly 4 years ago
I tried to play this game on mobile/emulator like 4-6 months ago because brother wanted to play together. You can burn hours on this game and even money if you really like it BUT i DON'T like that that stuff comes out on steam !!! Keep mobile games out of there, those games already ruined MMO, PC games market.

Cyr 4 years ago
The people there say its not p2w but dont trust them they are idiots

rickshaw 4 years ago
lol good review
A lot of work from that could of gone into a greater game, but its nice and clever, I will give it a try :?)
Currently trying hard to find a game that's not too confronting but it just relaxing enough to build on and play on a daily basis without the over worrying of logging in beaten to death or becoming the beater. A nice chill builder would good.

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