In this episode of the Free-to-Play Podcast, the Spunkify and Jason pick their brains about H1Z1.
Survarium is a post-apocalyptic shooter set in eastern Europe after an ecological catastrophe. In the aftermath of the calamity, groups of survivors have banded together to form groups known as Scavengers, The Fringe Settlers, The Black Market and The Renaissance Army.
To find more about Survarium check out the game page which includes more info, user reviews, screenshots and additional videos. Don´t forget to subscribe to MMOBomb YouTube channel.
In this episode of the Free-to-Play Podcast, the Spunkify and Jason pick their brains about H1Z1.
Was the wait for this troubled title worth it?
We knew it wasn't going to do much new, but is it worth playing at all?
"It's a bold strategy, Cotton, let's see if it pays off for 'em"
NCSoft and Amazon Games bring the F2P MMORPG to a global audience, but will they like it?
First of all, about shooting mechanics, the point is that it's supposed to be clunky. This isn't a typical modern military shooter, they are trying to give an atmosphere of post apocalyptic struggle. There is currently ONE assault rifle (and it's pretty overpowered), ONE scoped weapon, it nails the atmosphere.
Keep in mind it's closed beta... most audio files are placeholders, lot of balance issues and lag issues of course. There is no tutorial yet so most things you will just have to discover on your own (for example where the artifacts are hidden). I think "putting on clothes" is fairly obvious, and it's also fairly obvious that sitting in poison gas will kill you pretty quickly. Some people are a little more bullet spongy if they are wearing body armor, but this body armor is heavy and drastically reduces that player's stamina. You can take full limb damage, for example, getting shot in the arm can prevent you from shooting, reloading, aiming, switching weapons etc. for a short period, and will reduce aim, getting shot in the leg can prevent you from walking, or sprinting, and will reduce speed, all of this depending on how severe the injury is. There is regenerating health but it is very slow, however it can be sped up with medkits or the Lakspur artifact.
I honestly think this guy maybe spent 5 minutes in menus before playing because he missed a lot of things that I thought were fairly obvious on my first playthrough. The game is not at all paywin, at least not in it's current state, I have way more in-game money than I know what to do with.
I think PvP mode is pretty unique, compared to other FPS games, it feels slow, and tactical. You get more points for playing the objective than you do killing people. There is a lot of opportunity for teamwork. Future modes will not be PvP only but will have AI enemies similar to the STALKER games, however keep in mind this is not STALKER by any stretch, it is a different game and a different franchise, and it is very much in closed beta so treat it that way.
This game is a insult to Stalker just like ESO is a insult to the Elder scrolls series. Its something that should have never been done if they were going to lame it down. It looks like atmosphere is about the only thing they got right so far. Not holding my breath for this one, probably going to be another buy our cash shop cosmetics and premium, then let us run with your money MMO.
No need for a brainless Team Deathmatch game
Damaged body parts affect gameplay greatly. It takes spunkify to not notice it. Wounded hands lower accuracy and increase weapon sway (critical wounds will prohibit you from doing anything with your hands), wounded legs slow you down or prohibit movement at all depending on how serious the wound is, etc.