Totem First Look

Totem is a 3D browser based real time strategy game published by GameFuse. In Totem players command a customizable army in an interesting "Tug-of-War" strategic style of gameplay. Players can choose from one of three races each with their own special abilities and fighting tactics.

To find more about Totem check out the game page which includes more info, user reviews, screenshots and additional videos. Don´t forget to subscribe to MMOBomb YouTube channel.

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Discussion (6)

wow 12 years ago
this dude talks really fast. it's tiresome.

Macros 12 years ago
"We don't see really a lot of games like that"
Yeah, only few dozens of flash games, that are exactly the same. Only that they're not multiplayer, the rest is the same.

rockmeus 12 years ago
this game is cool im currently lvl 26 , but i think its going to fail cause of the pay to win

Okoice 12 years ago

Akshansh 12 years ago

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