WildStar - First Look Gameplay

Long predicted (and yelled about on the internet), WildStar has finally made the free to play transition. In this First Look, we'll chat about gameplay but the REAL content is comparing and reviewing all the free to play changes.

To find out more about WildStar, check out the game page which includes more info, user reviews, screenshots and additional videos. Don´t forget to subscribe to MMOBomb YouTube channel.

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Discussion (14)

akumia 8 years ago
i still get the login servicestart time out

Spades 8 years ago
I left At lvl 15 ... not that its a Bad game... it Just isto for me. Back to Teso.

aza 8 years ago
oh and i want to say i made it to lvl 50 and in lvl 50 zones about 6-7 of them there are no players at all and even if you go back at lvl 35 onward its still the same and not to mention 1-2 hours queue times for dungeon to pop up,battlegrounds at lvl 50 are a disaster ruled by premades so dont even think about playing in pug groups you are just going to get stomped without being able to do anything and getting rating is a big no no. overall i dont think ppl are passing level 20 before they all quit...

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Jafarson 8 years ago
devs of ugly anime lineage and other crap games decided to create w/o/w - like cartoonish animation..... well you still s/u/c/k NCsoft!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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