Star Trek Online’s Next Update Proves Why Time And Dimensional Travel Should Be Used Sparingly

There’s a reality vortex messing up the multiverse and it just might be your fault.

QuintLyn Bowers
By QuintLyn Bowers, News Editor Posted:

Star Trek Online Unraveled

We know, we know. If the Q Continuum and other entities can muck about with time and alternate dimensions, why can’t we? Even excluding the fact that the rest of the Continuum frowned upon our Q doing just those things, the answer may have something to do with them living for near eternities and a bit out of time and space already.

But that’s them. Things are different for the average mortal captain of a space-faring vessel. These individuals should probably not be punching holes in time and space. Otherwise, they can end up having to deal with a transdimensional Reality Vortex of their own making – and some pissed-off Tholians.

At least, that’s what happening in Star Trek Online’s next update, Unraveled. In the MMORPG's new update, coming to PC on May 9, players will take part in a scientific humanitarian mission with Captain Kuumaarke (once again voiced by Kipleigh Brown). During this mission, they’ll discover a group of Tholians messing around with a Reality Vortex, and they’ll have to figure out why.

The update introduces a new episode, a new five-player task force, and new patrols. These are all built off the Team Gambit story arc.

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In this article: Star Trek Online, Cryptic.

About the Author

QuintLyn Bowers
QuintLyn Bowers, News Editor

QuintLyn is a long-time lover of all things video game related will happily talk about them to anyone that will listen. She began writing about games for various gaming sites a little over ten years ago and has taken on various roles in the games community.

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