Legends Of Runeterra Outlines Plans To Add "More Agency To Progression"
When Legends of Runeterra was first revealed, Riot Games outlined some of their ideas to make progression in the game not only unique but also player-friendly -- in that it allows even completely free players to build solid decks without simply dumping all available cards on everyone. The early posts outlined four ways players would be able to acquire cards, such as daily quests, rewards based on how players do during a week, and others.
Now that the game has been in beta for a bit and Riot has been able to see how some of their ideas have been working out, it's time for adjustments. These adjustments aren't designed to limit things. Instead, the developers are hoping to make sure the system allows for the game's meta to evolve properly while continuing to give players options as to how they go about playing.
Among the current changes -- keeping in mind the game's still in beta, so there will probably be more -- are things like adjustments to how Vault rewards are obtained. Level requirements have been lowered for the issue of certain rewards, Level 10+ now issues a Champion Wildcard instead of a level 5 random Champion card, and after level 13, players will unlock more, unlimited capsules containing at least 3 rare and 2 common cards that may be able to be upgraded.
Riot has also made changes to allows for players to earn unlimited XP with XP rewards for certain activities being increased as well. Players can now also purchase an unlimited number of Wildcards without having to worry about a weekly stock rotation.
For the most part, the announced changes will be instituted on March 31, with the game's patch. XP Boost levels will not be available right away. A more detailed rundown on these changes, as well as plenty of information about the direction the developers hope to take the game, can be found on the Legends of Runeterra site.
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About the Author
QuintLyn is a long-time lover of all things video game related will happily talk about them to anyone that will listen. She began writing about games for various gaming sites a little over ten years ago and has taken on various roles in the games community.
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