Skull And Bones Kicks Off Closed Beta Tonight, But You Can Only Play For 6 Hours

The time limit comes across as another red flag.

Troy Blackburn
By Troy Blackburn, News Editor Posted:

Skull and Bones closed beta sea monster

Just how prepared for a Closed Beta is Skull and Bones really? I guess we'll find out starting tonight. The closed beta kicks off at 6 PM PT on December 14th and runs through midnight on December 18th. During that time you get a total of 6 hours of game time to try out Skull and Bones. The timer starts when you hit "Start Game", so hanging out in the lobby does not count. Once your 6 hours are up, your beta will end.

Invites will come via your registered email, and you'll also receive two friend invites to Skull and Bones for this closed beta test. Those friends will need to have Ubisoft Connect accounts and you'll need their usernames to invite them. You can get that last minute sign up in here.

Here's a look at the PC specs for Skull and Bones closed beta.

Skull And Bones Kicks Off Closed Beta Tonight

The real question here is why a 6-hour time limit? It screams that the game still isn't ready for primetime to me, but we'll get to see here shortly just what kind of condition Skull and Bones is in once the closed beta goes live. The closed beta is not under NDA, so players can stream their Skull and Bones adventures.

Check out the newest trailer as we wait for Skull and Bones closed beta to begin. Skull and Bones is scheduled to launch on February 13, 2024.

Got a news tip? Contact us directly here!

In this article: Ubisoft, Skull And Bones.

About the Author

Troy Blackburn
Troy Blackburn, News Editor

Troy “Noobfridge” Blackburn has been reporting on the video game industry for over a decade. Whether it’s news, editorials, gameplay videos, or streams, Noobfridge never fails to present his honest opinion whether those hot takes prove to be popular or not.

More Stories by Troy Blackburn

Discussion (2)

tekosdj 7 months ago
un navet sans aucun interet

thorvyn 7 months ago
I completely agree that 6 hours is a tell-tale sign that they are not ready to release the game. The only reasons I can see for this is if the story campaign is only a few hours and they don't want anyone completing it over the weekend and flaming them ala CoD's MW3 campaign. Other reasons would be jumbled or broken quests somewhere down the line or simply not enough content to keep people interested. All of this does not bode well for w game releasing in just under 6 weeks and is the exact reason why I won't be pre-ordering it, or even buying it, until I see some online reviews of the finished product.


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