Dragon Awaken

Awaken your inner dragon in Dragon Awaken, a free-to-play browser MMORPG where you take on the powers of a dragon to defend your kingdom! Level up your character, face challenging dungeons, earn mounts, and -- most of all -- harness the power of a dragon!

Dragon Awaken is a semi-turn-based game with multi-tier dynamic scenes, simulation, and PvP. An immersive story and multilayered backgrounds provide added depth to the game, which stands out from other browser games with its storytelling and graphics.

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Additional Information

Dragon Awaken
Game Hollywood
Proficient city
Release Date
January 03, 2017
Web Browser
Please note this free-to-play game may or may not offer optional in-game purchases.
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Minimum System Requirements

Dragon Awaken is a browser based game and should run smoothly on practically any PC with a updated web-browser.

If you have old hardware or software, you may still be able to play Dragon Awaken, but your game experience may suffer. For the best gameplay experience, we recommend the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, or Microsoft Edge.

All material on this page is copyrighted by ©Proficient city and their respective licensors. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
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User Reviews (20)

Do you recommend this game?
ved 2 years ago
32bit 1gb rem not playing problam

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ved 2 years ago
gift sheyer opshon plz avilebal

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ved 2 years ago
New characters can't be made, it should be a fool

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Andrew 4 years ago
I played the game for a few months... It seems to be very fun at first, you got a lot of stuff. But as I play more and more, I feel very discouraged as the game only focus on leveling up and things like that... The game is very repetitive. Also, events that grant you stuffs only happen at a certain times (US Time Zone, very inconvenient for Europeans like me) and it's the same everyday.
It wants only money. If you don't pay, then you suck.
Also the community doesn't feel very welcoming, unlike League of Angels.
There is a lot of performance issues as well.
Don't waste your time on this game, I highly unrecommended.

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Random 4 years ago
If you are on server 354 please friend FlameofDesti.

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GG 5 years ago
"This game is a browser based game and should run smoothly on practically any PC with a updated web-browser."

Right... I'm running a PC that can handle most current games on Ultra High graphics, with parts that I specifically chose to last until 2022 before I'd need to upgrade. Yet in the latest update on Chrome as of 3/13 -- It still lags. Granted, I was forced to choose the EU server while on west coast NA, but even if I play games like BDO on the EU, ping typically doesn't create that big of an issue.

I'm almost certain this is a clone of Time to Be a Hero, League of Angels (all of them), and a few others with this template. I'm pretty sure it's whomever developed TTBAH, because they always have a floating fairy, obnoxious tutorials that you can't skip, and a game that goes on autopilot, which sucks all the fun out of gaming. Ultimately this is pay to win, like they all are. It's not REAL gaming. I find all the comments supporting it hilarious. Fun game? There's no immersion, the game highly leans on breasts and gacha schemes. Just waste your money at a casino and be honest about your gambling addiction.

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SighUGuys 6 years ago
This is basically League of Angels I and League of Angels II combined with a few new content added...

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ayila 6 years ago
love it mmmm the girls are very smart

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Wolf 6 years ago
Dragon Awaken is a fun game. I like to play on the US server. Does anyone know what the US server name is in this game?

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ASD123ASD1234 6 years ago
Decent game play, had a lot of fun, till Proficient City (the company) began attempting to steal money from me. They threatened to ban my account and then did so, but charged me $4.99 as they

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Sheri Stuart 6 years ago
100% pay2play! No way a free player can succeed! Bullies are rampant and encouraged by devs.... Don't waste your time unless you have loads of cash to throw away!

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Sharon 6 years ago
I love the game, but as I've hit level 50 my xp goes down loads when I don't play or pay! A bit demoralising to say the least!

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Willow Woods (server 130) 6 years ago
Decent game play, had a lot of fun, till Proficient City (the company) began attempting to steal money from me. They threatened to ban my account and then did so, but charged me $4.99 as they were banning my account! The company is full of thieves and bullies! If the company changes hands, I may go back to playing, but you can believe I would never pay for ANYTHING ever again, since it's supposed to be free to play, it's not, that is if you want to level and do the mount quests for better mounts! Less than acceptable!!!!!!

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Bob 6 years ago
Looks like one of those 1 man developer studios,it looks VERY cheap and plays VERY cheap,a game the industry can do without.
I am not looking for any free handouts or any game claiming to be f2p,i am looking for really good games to play.

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Yavapai 6 years ago
I'm very addicted fun. 10/10

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Mawdrin 6 years ago
If the admins ever got back to you I might rate it 10/10...but right now its getting 5/10. I have reported about 10 issues and not one has been solved.

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Brian 7 years ago
Excellent and addictive 10/10

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victor 7 years ago
Great game.

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