Second Life
Second Life is one of the most famous, if not the most famous free online virtual world games ever created. From the moment you step into the world designed by Linden Lab, you’ll find a place where there are opportunities to do everything you want to. Meet new people, entertain yourself, explore the vast world, participate in several activities, find or create a job and trade virtual items and services with the other residents. Second Life is aimed at players above eighteen, since there is a lot of freedom.
Since launching in 2003, Second Life has seen its population grow explosively and reach over 20 million registered accounts as of 2011. A huge number of real-life franchises have locations in the game, and some events have a strong connection with our everyday life.
There is a deep customization system so that no avatar looks the same, and the world is constantly evolving, always full of life thanks to the immense player base that inhabits it. The Second Life marketplace moves millions of dollars monthly, with a lot of players making a living out of Linden dollars, that can be converted to US dollars.
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One of the first online virtual worlds will soon be accessible anywhere in all its former glory.
1 year agoFocuses on community, with players taking one of several roles in the world.
3 years agoMinimum System Requirements (Windows)
Windows Vista / 7 / 8.1
Memory3 GB
Storage8 GB
Intel Core 2 Duo 2.0Ghz
GraphicsNvidia GeForce 9800, AMD Radeon 4850, or better
Additional NotesSpecifications may change during development
Games Like Second Life

if you are able to get certified in real life, then you will be required to forfeit your documents to lindenlabs' agents in order to reclaim your funds or to prevent them from stealing them from you.
secondlife is not a safe place if you are born naturally, in the minority, or don't qualify for birth paperwork. the people running this software will seize your assets, ban you from your account, and erase or remove anything you have to say for yourself on their own websites.
I recommend Second Life to anyone who's eligible to join, it's a really fun and educating experience :)
Hey guys, call me Callan. *this was my first review* Second Life allows for great expression and creativity and customization of ones avatar. The freedom is endless in Second Life. It is also extremely unsafe. There are no moderators. Noobs, as new members are called are preyed on by old time users. Stalking is not dealt with. There is no way to contact Linden Labs about abuse. The only option when one is stalked and harassed is to file a report. One is never given feedback about the report made. There no person to person contact dealing with abuse in Second Life. You can call the Linden lab number, they will tell you to file a report-and that they do not address abuse. You can contact them in chat as a premium member, they will tell you to file a report and that they can not address abuse. There is no person to person contact dealing with abuse in second life, so trolls run rampant. There is no warning when you enter Second Life about the safety issues that can arise in a virtual world. Predators prey on noobs that do not know better, trying to get real life information to stalk them more. There are good people and creativity in second life but it is run very poorly in terms of safety. Linden Labs does not seem concerned at all about matters of harassment and stalking within Second Life no matter how long you have been in Second life and no matter how much you have spent there or invested in your account, community and experience there.**************************this is my updated review********************************************* I have previously reviewed Second Life at least a few points for creativity. But I feel to make another review because one of the most important things on any virtual site or avatar forum, safety, is not handled well by Second life. Second Life is surely the most creative virtual world however when a resident encounters abuse in Second Life there is no one-on-one assistance. You are told to file reports, but you never know if anything comes from it and it seems most greifers, harassers, stalkers are not dealt with no matter how long it goes on. I find it disturbing that a site that allows anything to occur has no form of moderation or at least someone to speak to about abuse. It is amazing to be able to create an avatar however you want and to have freedom in a virtual world however it is a terrible experience to have what you built in Second life taken away when you are harassed non-stop. I am reading more and more about people having problems on this site. Issues of cyberstalking, harassment, abuse, hacking are not dealt with by Second Life. One of the things I also loved about Second Life, perhaps what I loved the most about it was the roleplay sims, especially the medieval and fantasy themed sims. The creativity and dedicated roleplayers who made amazing stories and characters was wonderful to be a part of but I dealt with a lot of harassment in roleplay sites. There is no moderation in the roleplay sites either and people are able to do cruel things and true harassment under the guise of roleplay. Also people form bonds with people they roleplay with and trust them and predators are able to use that. There is no protection in roleplay sims, some of the administration at these sims are involved in group stalking and harassment. Just because a sim says ‘general’ or ‘moderate’ rated does not mean it is safe, there are predators who find those they can victimize in those sims because they feel they can find less suspecting or vulnerable people at those sims, particularly women and sensitive men, but also those disabled etc. Stalking in Second Life can easily go to real life. Harassers and griefers who have been doing it long know how to hack computers, also they manipulate people into giving real life information then stalk the person collecting information from all over the internet etc. Once again, Second life has no moderators, not one. Second Life does have beautiful creativity but it is unsafe and there are no administrators/support/ moderators who help when there are abuse problems in Second life.
*this was my first review* Second Life allows for great expression and creativity and customization of ones avatar. The freedom is endless in Second Life. It is also extremely unsafe. There are no moderators. Noobs, as new members are called are preyed on by old time users. Stalking is not dealt with. There is no way to contact Linden Labs about abuse. The only option when one is stalked and harassed is to file a report. One is never given feedback about the report made. There no person to person contact dealing with abuse in Second Life. You can call the Linden lab number, they will tell you to file a report-and that they do not address abuse. You can contact them in chat as a premium member, they will tell you to file a report and that they can not address abuse. There is no person to person contact dealing with abuse in second life, so trolls run rampant. There is no warning when you enter Second Life about the safety issues that can arise in a virtual world. Predators prey on noobs that do not know better, trying to get real life information to stalk them more. There are good people and creativity in second life but it is run very poorly in terms of safety. Linden Labs does not seem concerned at all about matters of harassment and stalking within Second Life no matter how long you have been in Second life and no matter how much you have spent there or invested in your account, community and experience there.**************************this is my updated review********************************************* I have previously reviewed Second Life at least a few points for creativity. But I feel to make another review because one of the most important things on any virtual site or avatar forum, safety, is not handled well by Second life. Second Life is surely the most creative virtual world however when a resident encounters abuse in Second Life there is no one-on-one assistance. You are told to file reports, but you never know if anything comes from it and it seems most greifers, harassers, stalkers are not dealt with no matter how long it goes on. I find it disturbing that a site that allows anything to occur has no form of moderation or at least someone to speak to about abuse. It is amazing to be able to create an avatar however you want and to have freedom in a virtual world however it is a terrible experience to have what you built in Second life taken away when you are harassed non-stop. I am reading more and more about people having problems on this site. Issues of cyberstalking, harassment, abuse, hacking are not dealt with by Second Life. One of the things I also loved about Second Life, perhaps what I loved the most about it was the roleplay sims, especially the medieval and fantasy themed sims. The creativity and dedicated roleplayers who made amazing stories and characters was wonderful to be a part of but I dealt with a lot of harassment in roleplay sites. There is no moderation in the roleplay sites either and people are able to do cruel things and true harassment under the guise of roleplay. Also people form bonds with people they roleplay with and trust them and predators are able to use that. There is no protection in roleplay sims, some of the administration at these sims are involved in group stalking and harassment. Just because a sim says ‘general’ or ‘moderate’ rated does not mean it is safe, there are predators who find those they can victimize in those sims because they feel they can find less suspecting or vulnerable people at those sims, particularly women and sensitive men, but also those disabled etc. Stalking in Second Life can easily go to real life. Harassers and griefers who have been doing it long know how to hack computers, also they manipulate people into giving real life information then stalk the person collecting information from all over the internet etc. Once again, Second life has no moderators, not one. Second Life does have beautiful creativity but it is unsafe and there are no administrators/support/ moderators who help when there are abuse problems in Second life.
I have previously reviewed Second Life at least a few points for creativity. But I feel to make another review because one of the most important things on any virtual site or avatar forum, safety, is not handled well by Second life. Second Life is surely the most creative virtual world however when a resident encounters abuse in Second Life there is no one-on-one assistance. You are told to file reports, but you never know if anything comes from it and it seems most greifers, harassers, stalkers are not dealt with no matter how long it goes on. I find it disturbing that a site that allows anything to occur has no form of moderation or at least someone to speak to about abuse. It is amazing to be able to create an avatar however you want and to have freedom in a virtual world however it is a terrible experience to have what you built in Second life taken away when you are harassed non-stop. I am reading more and more about people having problems on this site. Issues of cyberstalking, harassment, abuse, hacking are not dealt with by Second Life. One of the things I also loved about Second Life, perhaps what I loved the most about it was the roleplay sims, especially the medieval and fantasy themed sims. The creativity and dedicated roleplayers who made amazing stories and characters was wonderful to be a part of but I dealt with a lot of harassment in roleplay sites. There is no moderation in the roleplay sites either and people are able to do cruel things and true harassment under the guise of roleplay. Also people form bonds with people they roleplay with and trust them and predators are able to use that. There is no protection in roleplay sims, some of the administration at these sims are involved in group stalking and harassment. Just because a sim says ‘general’ or ‘moderate’ rated does not mean it is safe, there are predators who find those they can victimize in those sims because they feel they can find less suspecting people at those sims. Stalking in Second Life can easily go to real life. Harassers and griefers who have been doing it long know how to hack computers, also they manipulate people into giving real life information then stalk the person collecting information from all over the internet etc.
Once again, Second life has no moderators, not one.
Second Life is rich with beautiful creativity but it is unsafe and there are no administrators/support/ moderators who help when there are abuse problems in Second life.
I was stalked for over a year in Second Life and received no help when I realized what was happening. There were many people helping to stalk me, aka. group stalking. I sadly was one of those new members who was manipulated into sharing an email and my name, which moved to being stalked in real life.
I did find myself in Second Life, learned who I was at a soul level, and I met truly amazing people, very awesome people are in Second Life- but there are also some people who are just there to find people to harass and harm.
I’m a gamer, and have been on a lot of sites, and I find many are run in this greedy way, where safety is not cared about, but I also see great value in avatar sites. They just need to improve. Second Life doesn’t have any moderators. Everything else that can be done in real life can be done in Second Life but yet there is no moderators- that is very crazy. Some of the residents recommend going to sim owners for help but some of the sim owners are abusive and unhelpful and untrustworthy- so there really is no one to talk to about abuse in Second Life besides your closest friends there.
It’s sad, I am shaking my head- because Second Life could be the most amazing site. There are so many beautifully creative people and expressive souls that are truly- just awesome! And the creativity is some the most amazing I’ve ever seen. The creativity so beautiful. But the safety is so poor that it is horrific.
I loved Second Life so much. I still love it so much, but I’m here to say- they need to get their act together.
And ladies and sensitive men, if you enter Second Life, go with caution and be those that help Second Life grow into the amazing site it was meant to be and I believe will be.
Unfortunately there are too many long term players in this game who basically do not have a real life and are permanently wanting to cause hurt to good ordinary people who actually do have a life. They get so engrossed with this that they create a million accounts (avatars) and they pursue you throughout SL. Its not a good safe place for anyone personally only if you want to build or explore. I would NOT talk to many people because they are all in there to be hurtful.
If you are going to use SL just do what you want and forget everyone else its not a social network game at all .
I learned about SL from a tv show called Forbes,who,like their magazine,reviews high end companies and their worth,etc.They said it was one of the top ten money making corporations in the world.So,I had to find out what it was all about. For combat and RP,I go to Elder Scrolls Online,but it is still second to SL.
(sorry,I love SL)
the people and game seem soo scary
you say we can play it free and is askin for all m disk space
not so catchy
think itz a fish888
It started off simple, and has grown so much since the first release, adding many new things like rigged mesh uploading support, bump-mapping, and other advanced graphics options for creators to make much nicer-looking clothes and stuff.
Back when SL first started, you would see really ugly stuff, but now, you can find things that are on par to realistic video game cutscene models' quality.
There's countless communities within SL, so it doesn't matter what you are into, you will likely find others who feel the same. Like anime? Video games? There's growing communities specifically for fans of that, and avatars created in those graphic styles(great if you don't like the realistic human avatars). Want to be an animal? A ghost? A titan? A tree? There are avatars of those too.
Pretty much everything you can think of exists, and what doesn't, you can easily create yourself.
Gestures may be one of my favorite things in SL. You can upload sound clips, animations, text, and combine them to trigger upon a keyword or command, and share them with friends.
You could fart rainbows if you wanted to.
I MEAN REALLY it takes 50 bandwidth per month...someone said it hes folder is 900Gb and hes runing out of space.... while playing..
damm this cache bandwidth sucking game!!
If you avoid it, it chases you!
I liked to build and make clothing, small items just for the fun of it, but I was hounded by someone merely for talking to her 'partner'.... banned from large areas... it was insane!
There are too many emotional retards in there.... no, not all of you.
But it is not the place to get yourself immersed in.
I still go now and again to explore, build and listen to music, but rarely interact with anyone.
I have 4 friends on my list now after over 6 years there in total.
My real life is just fine and I don't need a substitute.
Having said that, this is down to the people and not the virtual world which is pretty cool.
If you can avoid the people, you can enjoy it there!
A) Curious why idiotic people play this game and state it is not a game
B) Curious to see people who fail in socializing in the real life but act as a big shot online
C) Perverted, mentally ill, disturbed, socially handicapped in real life or etc
Other than that, perhaps this
D) In need to understand the mentality of how people are in a business (commerce, estates, sales, money etc)
E) In need to extend your network of artistic expression (Photography, Video and 3D Modelling) by a bit.
F) In need to have a visualisation of a meeting in real life and applying it online.
G) Curious to try out something a little bit limited and at the same time expanding then your usual MMO
I love this game and i hate it. Do not try to correct me that this is not a game. It is a game. It is entertaining and sometimes educational at the same time. You see I’m using my in-world name with last name.
Perhaps for new users this type of game is not the right game you expect it to be, or maybe it is.
The tip i would give to new users is: Do not read the reviews or comments on different forums of people stating that this is a virtual world rather then a game. That info doesn’t work out well because they are not helping you as a new user out and rather drown in their own pride of disability ending up that you probably still don't understand what the game is about. As matter of fact, there is no need to read even my advises written above.
just download the game (program or how they like to call, viewer) and look for yourself what you think of it.
Secondly - SL is EXTEMELY adult. I would not have my 12 year old - or even my 16 year old - partake in SL. Linden Labs gives eveyone the tools to flag their areas as adult preventing underaged accounts - but their are may ways around this.
Third - inn SL you can make a lot of real life money. I use to pull in about $400 US bucks a month selling avatar tatoos. Other make a lot more with land sales. Its what you put into the simulation with your creativity where the rewards come from. SL is an artist dream when it comes to making amazing 3D designs. The tools are very easy to understand - and if you get stuck you can search for the very many player made TUTORIALS to learn.
SL is what the people have created it to be. It can be anything you want. If you enter with an "i hate it already' attitude cause the first thing you see is someone who looks 10 times cooler & badder than your default avatar, then you probably hate it. However, you can either decide at the point of entry: do i want to log off & say i hate that game, do i want to do all I can to look that that guy/girl & starting getting into the game, or do i want to make that guy/girl look like a scrub & start figuring out how things work so it can happen....
I too was at the delima at one point in time & I chose the last of the mentioned options. Few 'games' online offer the individual the ability to get rich if they put their minds to it. Second Life is filled with opportunity & it can be miserable if that is what you are looking for, or it can be a poweful & adventure filled event that can pretty much shock you on a daily basis with the ability to do about anything you ever dreamed of doing in an online game.
I would suggest this MMORPG to anyone who has an open mind & is looking for the worlds biggest & best online free roam MMORPG that has NO LIMITS....
With anything in life, know your own limits & these stories about losing all you own to SL or some other game is a choice you make as an idividual. Anything in excess can be damaging. The only way I could see losing everything would be if you lost your account & all creations in it. Few games have an economy of 60Million Plus a year in the creations sold/built by the players, & If i am going to get to pick between playing GTA for 50 hours & maybe solving a mission some guy made up somewhere, that really many others have solved before me, or playing 50 hours at a game that I can learn things from & might possibly even come up with a million dollar idea that turns into a 'have to have' item for all the other players; you can probably tell which one I would choose. I am not into 'wasting time' in my life & unless my activities can not somehow increase my real life, then I am not much interested. I have learned a ton of stuff in SL from 3D modeling, teture mapping, scipting codes, & even world culture. I would suggest this game to anyone looking for something more than what 99.9% of online MMORPGs can offer a person, but as the reviews show proof, results will vary & it will be exactly what you make it. (in more than one way).
*any spelling error is intentional as i do not care. thank you.
Me and the ole been togeather for 10+ years now. I moved to the state she lived in her whole life for about that time, and all my friends are still left behind in my old state that I lived in, We been thinking about a Social game like this for some time, to meet new friends my and my ole ladies age, All's her and I do is work sleep, work sleep.
Are these Social game more like a singles mingle? If not, is second Life the "IT" game to jump in to meet some friends? I know their are a few of these games, like Socialtrain, red Light center, and untropia universe, to name a few. Is SL the best out of the others?
But it is hard for newbies to learn everything in it fast
I would appreciate seeing tutorials here for this game :)
They have Clubs with real music and live music! They have movie base places and anime worlds! You can even Make items and skins and avatars or clothing and more! what ever items u make in sl u can sell for money! so u can earn money for selling items u make!