Free-to-play gaming, at least on the PC, has taken a beating in the last year.
Free-to-play gaming, at least on the PC, has taken a beating in the last year.
It's not often you see a game go from free-to-play to not free-to-play -- or at least you don't see it from entire games, as opposed to special "subscribers-only" servers or whatnot.
Today on Bomblive, Jason's going to get his first taste of Funcom's LEGO Minifigures Online.
Funcom keeps adding much loved LEGO worlds to its line-up for LEGO Minifigures and Space World is one universe that players probably remember most.
We heard back late last night from Funcom regarding its being raided by the Norwegian National Authority for Investigation and Prosecution of Economic and Environmental Crime.
As reported by numerous venues, such as this one, Norwegian MMO developer Funcom was paid an unwelcome visit this morning by officials from the National Authority for Investigation and Prosecution of Economic and Environmental C...
Funcom's LEGO Minifigures Online has spruced up its Internet presence, unleashing a new website, trailer, and beta access, as well as declaring that the game will launch in the summer of 2014. The video gives a surprising amoun...
Of course, the next MMO we expected from the company that brought us the boobalicious Age of Conan and the game with a sex scene in its intro (if you rolled Dragon), The Secret World, was a LEGO game aimed at a kid-friendly audi...