David Prowse, the towering English actor and bodybuilder who filled the suit of Darth Vader in the original Star Wars trilogy, passed away this weekend at the age of 85.
David Prowse, the towering English actor and bodybuilder who filled the suit of Darth Vader in the original Star Wars trilogy, passed away this weekend at the age of 85.
Thinking about Star Wars: The Old Republic this week, especially that interview from 10 years ago.
In case you missed it – and, if you've been following this site, I'm not sure how that could have happened – Skyforge made a ton of changes to just about every system in the game with its recent Ascension update.
A few days ago, I read an opinion piece about a formerly free-to-play game that has received, shall we say, a bit of a negative response in the past few months.
I've been wondering for a while just how Sony Online Entertainment is doing, from a financial standpoint.