Bounty Hounds Online First Look Video

Bounty Hounds Online is a free to play 3D Sci-Fi-MMORPG set in the 25th century, when man´s first encounter with Extraterrestrial Intelligence led to a huge galactic war.

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Discussion (10)

13 years ago
What he said?

Connor 13 years ago
how do you play?

edward1997i6f0o 13 years ago
i have bounty hounds on psp what kept me playing it is the customization. i want more of that on the online version/.

Sadiro 13 years ago
Ill take a key from you if you please!

Ill even go as far as to give you a happy ending.....twice.

khalon 13 years ago
is any one king the fact that this website was down for 3 days annoying then the fact they keep posting bounty hounds and we never seen new beta keys for it

David Ščavničar 13 years ago

well all I can say is: " GIVE ME A KEY PLEASE!" :D

Ricardo Sanchez 13 years ago
I want a key! please u.u

tantak87 13 years ago
I want a key *.*

StevenCrux 13 years ago
100 more keys were added to the Bounty Hounds Beta Key Giveaway article. MMO bomb is sneaky and sends the updates through email and doesn't make a public notice of it, so go back a page and grab a key if ya want one. (44 left i think when i last looked)

Dan 13 years ago
nice game :X

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