Free to Play Weekly Unrated (ep.07)

Welcome to the episode 7 of Free-To-Play Weekly, the exclusive web show from This show presents you with the most important news of the week about free-to-play online games and the latest releases, with a few jokes thrown in for good measure. Have fun and expect a new show next week!

Game of the Week: Rappelz

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Discussion (17)

Dencha 11 years ago
I use to play world of battles, and tbh.....I got borred after some time....1 sate thing over and over....

aaronlus 13 years ago
i like the epic moment of the week :D
the guy just tells us what he is about to do gets out of the car and got f*** right in the head XD
what's so funny is that the player simply didng't think he would die so soon^^.

louie8426 13 years ago
Tits, tits, and more tits!
Nice vidoe, keep up the good work!

movieman14 13 years ago
Well...still a little dissapointed that there it is still 99% pure combat/rpg coverage and 1% social (if that).Where is the Social MMO love?

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plantaquatix 13 years ago
Nice video, the epic moment of the week is still terrible (don't see how a guy getting owned is epic?). Maybe its better to remove that segment and replace it with something better?

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UnknownPart 13 years ago
Rapplez is great name but could use normal Eu servers...

llnaga 13 years ago
World of battles looks sick

ltzh0f17 13 years ago
The page title lists this as episode 6. :P

Keep up the good work! I'm enjoying these.

lttm7i09 13 years ago

Matt 13 years ago
Very nice video!!! keep it up.

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