Free to Play Weekly – Who’s To Blame For Lawbreakers' Failure? Ep 326

Dauntless announces its first content update, Lawbreakers is finally free to play, all that and more, I’m Zach Sharpes and this… is Free to Play Weekly!

Free-To-Play Weekly with Zach Sharpes is your weekly web show about free to play multiplayer online games from This show presents you with the most important news of the week about free-to-play online games and the latest releases, with a few jokes thrown in for good measure. Have fun and expect a new show next week!

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Discussion (2)

Anti 6 years ago
That was a nexon game. really all that needs to be said. there are a few f2p gaming companys that cant seem to hold their games together. nexon is a big name on that list.

Weilan 6 years ago
Blame the cliff named B and its ego. This cliff thought it was a major monument, but it was a pebble.

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