Free To Play Weekly – What Is The Worst Launch In MMO History? Ep 223

Chronicle: Runescape Legends has finally launched, Tree of Savior temporarily closes its doors to new players, all that and more, I’m Zach Sharpes and this… is Free To Play Weekly!

Free-To-Play Weekly with Zach Sharpes is your weekly web show about free to play multiplayer online games from This show presents you with the most important news of the week about free-to-play online games and the latest releases, with a few jokes thrown in for good measure. Have fun and expect a new show next week!

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Soundtrack by:
Krewella - Come And Get It (Razihel Remix)

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Discussion (22)

Unknown 8 years ago
I wanna say AQ3D since the development is really awful and cash grab tatics and the rare items they are pulling from their old games for this game and real small room limits like less then 10 players per room which eventually ends up being boring but since AQ3D isn't 100% a launched game yet I guess I'll say my list of 5 worst MMOs that actually launched that I can think of off the top of my head. Also sorry that 3 of them are from the same company I'm not bashing them they just seem to make bad games.


zxcczzzz 8 years ago
All games from SCAMMERS, archeage,star wars old republic online,gw 2,wildstar, d an d online, all soe gtames and few others, all FAKE free to play games, with locked content and characters, some with pay to win weapons or ammo like world of tanks, all faking scammer!

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Sparie 8 years ago
MMO Genre Games may you rest in peace. it was fun back in it days but now the People have become so depresses in Online Games. Respect no longer Exist or Community in most games.
The Hacker, Botter Character, Gold Seller are the big main problem nowadays Even in Lanuch date when they come out of beta.

Sperie 8 years ago
MMO Genre Games may you rest in peace. it was fun back in it days but now the People have become so depresses in Online Games. Respect no longer Exist or Community in most games.
The Hacker, Botter Character, Gold Seller are the big main problem nowadays Even in Lanuch date when they come out of beta.

teppic 8 years ago
ArcheAge, not only a disaster but a huge scam.

Bloodz 8 years ago
Archeage without doubt, even now its a greedy p2w game, shame could have been amazing

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OldManGaming 8 years ago
Anarchy Online

rickshaw 8 years ago
No doubt Archeage was the worst
& still is handled as the worst by the worst baby sitter company....TRION.

Miscen 8 years ago
(The Worst of launch of MMO that I got a list for games.)
MMO Launch Games
1.Blade and soul
2.Dragon nest
3.Dream of mirror online
4.Luna online Reborn
5.Scarlet Blade
It the all MMO I can think for now. What your Opinion.

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Karnaij 8 years ago
Firefall was 10x better in beta

volfie 8 years ago
When archage was worst thing ever in alfha and erly acces the game hade bots and gold farmers everywhere! and in lanch of the game survers was broken and got name QUEAGE cuz long waiting.. and the bots and farmers still there! the suport is joke! sadly cuz i loved lineage 2 and was loking forward to play archage,, sad when thay relesss game with broken suport and buggy unfinisht game

volfie 8 years ago

kyle estrera 8 years ago
Tree of savoir for sure

meh 8 years ago

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