Genshin Impact - Gameplay First Look

Genshin Impact brings the single player RPG to the free-to-play space and adds a bit of co-op into the mix. But the game's monetization includes mechanics not generally enjoyed by some audiences. Will it be a game you play all the way through, or will it fall by the wayside?

To find out more about Genshin Impact, check out the game page which includes more info, user reviews, screenshots and additional videos. Don´t forget to subscribe to MMOBomb YouTube channel.

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Discussion (2)

kei 4 years ago
boring game, game claims to be multiplayer but it was not. Huge disappointment!
It was just a multiplayer with dungeons but on the open world theres just you and bots. nothing else.
No PVP and you cant see other players as well.
This is just Zelda with multiplayer mod in dungeons.
Games also binded some sort of CHINESE TROJANS, need to remove manually on PC

rickshaw 4 years ago
Nice work,
in testing this game I was thinking where is everyone and starting again yesterday I thought the same thing till I remembered. lol
The teething annoyances are its mirror to zelda.
I'm thinking why? you never needed too any of it, the devs could created easily original music and game choices, rather than mirror ones.
Its all great to praise your game of choice, but at least be original in the dupe. The devs chose to follow the same patterns rather than add an original one, even though it sat right in front of them staring at their eyes, they just never saw anything but to keep following suit.
This is a very worthy game with loads of things to do. Its definitely a game to keep a rolling play on.

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