Minimum - First Look Video

Minimum is a minimalistic third person shooter which features craftable armor, upgradable weapons and giant robotic Titans. Players compete on teams of five to slay enemy players and neutral creeps which drop special resources used to unlock new upgrades and power each side's Titan. The more powerful the Titan, the better chance it has at destroying the enemies Titan and ultimately, their base.

To find more about Minimum check out the game page which includes more info, user reviews, screenshots and additional videos. Don´t forget to subscribe to MMOBomb YouTube channel.

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Discussion (10)

bababoba 10 years ago
Gunz??? Gunz if you hear me leave this game!!

DisGameIsPoo 10 years ago


LJ6148 10 years ago
Looks good and everything but 20 bucks for something that's not finished and might not stay up isn't worth it

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Alcatraz 10 years ago
Look like a fun tbh

Kapow 10 years ago
Atleast Spunkify is good at beating kids in kids games +ThumbsUp

Mounted 10 years ago
Mounted son

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Dee-Ray 10 years ago
1st :D

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