Project: Theralon Exclusive Gameplay Trailer - Gamescom 2012

Project: Theralon is a new free to play 3D sandbox MMORPG developed by Infernum and powered by CryEngine 3. The game is a prototype, a work in progress that will evolve, but already features some interesting ideas like city building, aerial combat, a system with a secondary character, beautiful graphics, the option to run the game via browser or client and much more. With only two months of development it's impressive. Keep an eye on this game.

For more information about Project: Theralon visit

(EDIT: I received a wrong figure during the meeting, the prototype was built in 6 months actually, not 2)

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Discussion (15)

DragoonisMystic 12 years ago
Ok the looks isn't to bad and the fact that it's has the CryEngine3 too is a plus in my mind ,and yes that is just me . I'm wondering if the characters are just all male or both male and female .Hate it when games make it just one or the other . But again that is me too. Can't wait to really have a chance to give this a check out and to play it too . Keeping my eyes upon this one for now along with several others too coming in time .;-)

Jethrayne 12 years ago
Looks and sounds pretty cool. I'll keep an eye on this project and I'm looking forward to seeing how it grows. :)

Chaossms 12 years ago
So the game obviously LOOKS nice, but it doesnt have any defining gameplay characteristics that would make this game a hit, at least not from what I can tell from the video. So you can ride a dragon big woop, I assume that you wont use it 24?7 so give me gameplay that'll really interest me.

Mystika 12 years ago
It looks quite nice. I would like to see more of it though.

ThcMonkee 12 years ago
It's an impressive amount of work that they have done, but it wasn't ready for a showcase yet. But on the other hand, anything with the word SANDBOX attached to it has my complete attention.

I have subscribed to it's updates.

Dragoninja 12 years ago
Wow, that did THAT in a couple months!!! WOW!
This is impressive. I can't wait to see the finished product.
I'll be hopping in and out of GW2 to play this game, hopefully.

bad1one 12 years ago
wth,,,guys are brutal, did we not just read ,its only 2 months into it ,look great ,,maybe a gw2 killer,,id play it ,mite even spent some $ on it . abd cryengine 3 means better stuff will come later ,they can upgrade more for future stuff. a da-bomb from me .

TheGodReaper 12 years ago
i'd like to see something else than big 2h axes and dragons in a gameplay trailer. Story is very important in a mmo (personal opinion) and i feel like it's always the same in a new gameplay trailer. Be original for once please!

Sakee 12 years ago
Doesn't look all that bad... but for heaven's sake it's CryEngine 3... I mean... Really?

Does a game like this really need CryEngine 3 just for fancy visuals? (which again... aren't that nice looking compared to other CryEngine games... but it may be jsut the poor quaility of the video... it's a cam feature after all )

On my opinion though this game and the similar tries could be more popular with an own engine which is adjusted to the game's and the developers' demands. It would lead to a more unique experience and would help them stand out a bit more from the crowd.

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IHateMMOs 12 years ago
Looks interesting, nice artwork, looks fast paced. Thank god it's not made by an Asian developer, otherwise it would be another anime MMORPG.

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okoice 12 years ago
For me it look terribly boring.

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your mom 12 years ago

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