Love It Or Hate It: Marvel Heroes

Jason Winter
By Jason Winter, News Editor


Some free-to-play games are more polarizing than others, with some sides taking the stance of "great, totally non-exploitative implementation" and others thinking "total pay-to-win trash." We'd like to see on what side of the spectrum the gaming public -- and by that, we mean you guys -- think of certain F2P games, and so we've invented something new called Love It Or Hate It?

Every week, we'll present a new F2P game and give you the option of passing judgment on it. Then we'll look back at it the next week and see what people thought. There are no prizes, except for the satisfaction of knowing you clicked on a button and made something happen. Really, what else do you need?

Last week's game was Trion World's Defiance, which not surprisingly got a noncommittal "meh" from nearly half of respondents. I like it, but it's a bit of a "niche" game that suffered from a rough launch. Still, once you play it, it looks like you like it, with 37% voting in the positive versus just 14% negative votes.

This week, it's another game that had a difficult start but has found its stride since, Gazillion's Marvel Heroes 2015!

Pros: Various gameplay modes, frequent new content, great comic-book feel
Cons: Extensive cash shop, typical ARPG grind

Tell us what you think of Marvel Heroes, and leave a comment below to expound upon your views!

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In this article: Marvel Heroes, Gazillion.

About the Author

Jason Winter
Jason Winter, News Editor

Jason Winter is a veteran gaming journalist, he brings a wide range of experience to MMOBomb, including two years with Beckett Media where he served as the editor of the leading gaming magazine Massive Online Gamer. He has also written professionally for several gaming websites.

More Stories by Jason Winter

Discussion (9)

TheEnygma 9 years ago
Mixed bag. Frequently buggy patches, the grind and barrier of entry for "endgame" is huge and it's been getting really dull but you gotta admit, running around as Psylocke or Spider-man killing stuff is kind of fun.

Baium 9 years ago
Hating it

Freshundead 9 years ago
love the game have maxed many heroes, story is good(1st time through) 2 raids newest of wich is quite difficult, thogh you cant custimize your heroes look, through skill points omega points atifacts relics uniques and stark cubes your hero can be totally different from any other, all that being sad can be very grindy but love it non the less.

aet 9 years ago
TOTAL SHIT! ts a single player game with chat, u can solo everything, character skills are the same just diferent animation, boring repetive crap for small kids who love superheroes.

zzz 9 years ago
What a great game! Prior to playing this I suffered from severe insomnia. At night I'd toss and turn and I had to take medication to get any sleep at all, but then I'd find it difficult to wake up in the morning and I'd remain groggy for some time after getting up. But I just called up my doctor and told him I no longer need my medication, because, and this is incredible, it seems every time I start up this game within 5 minutes I'm flat on my face snoozing away.

jenosyde 9 years ago
Meh it was okay. The game is very repetitive with little reason to grind for hero unlocks.

kinglee510 9 years ago
Game is great. played alot in CB- now and the game is what it is...a grind, but if you enjoy grinding for the perfect gear as your fav heroes it's perfect for you!

Fosio 9 years ago
Awful game. Incomplete features, disconnected modes. Senseless story mode that can be skipped. Bugs and gamebreaking issues. Forum moderation is still dodgy as in the old days. Totally a game to skip.

Mizhun 9 years ago
Boring and repetitive for me :/

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