Carbine Preps WildStar For F2P, Improving Systems While Looking To Reward Veterans

Jason Winter
By Jason Winter, News Editor Posted:

WildStar AlphaSanctum

It still feels a little weird writing about WildStar on MMOBomb, but I suppose that will pass soon enough. In the meantime, NCSoft and Carbine Studios have a lot to say about the changes they'll be making to the game in the August update that will add lots of content and make the game better for players new and old.

Players who are brand new to the planet Nexus will see a new tutorial, based on their experience level with MMOs, while the starting area, the Arkship, will be revamped to better see to their needs. Stats are also being reworked and pared down to four basic stats, while dungeons will "provide a consistent challenge and make completion times more forgiving."

The new content includes two new areas, the Alpha Sanctum and the Cryo-Plex PvP arena, and there will be a new focus on player communities, which let groups of up to 20 players combine their housing plots -- for defensive purposes only, we're sure.

There's also a bit to say on the payment model, including news that should be welcome to long-time players:

WildStar’s new rewards program will enable players to earn rewards points by purchasing or spending NCoin, enrolling in a Signature Plan or redeeming C.R.E.D.D. Earning points will also be retroactive, so anyone who has previously invested in WildStar will have a number of very cool rewards waiting for them. As players earn points, they will continue to climb through multiple tiers of rewards.

Sound like a good deal to you? Let us know what you think!

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In this article: Ncsoft, WildStar, Carbine Studios.

About the Author

Jason Winter
Jason Winter, News Editor

Jason Winter is a veteran gaming journalist, he brings a wide range of experience to MMOBomb, including two years with Beckett Media where he served as the editor of the leading gaming magazine Massive Online Gamer. He has also written professionally for several gaming websites.

More Stories by Jason Winter

Discussion (15)

j0sh 9 years ago
Also it will be 4 or 5 ppl that can unite their housing plots , not 20 as the article says . 20 is the max number of players that can have permissions to place decor and such on these big plots .

j0sh 9 years ago
Stats are not getting reworked into only 4 base stats , there's alot more to it .
This is copied from a dev post on the forums:
"AP/SP are now 'core' stats on an item. Each item, instead of simply armor, now has AP/SP, armor, and health and they are determined mostly by the ilvl of that item. The item, based on rarity, then has a collection of other stats (such as crit, multi-hit, vigor, intensity, glance, deflect, etc).

The old six 'base' stats (Brutality, Finesse, Moxie, Tech, Insight, Grit) no longer exist.

Cryght 9 years ago
i would be so happy if i could make the telegraphs invisible. then i'd actually play the game..

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Traace 9 years ago
BnS is a PvP Game, stop compare apples with pears

B2T: Mounted already

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B000RED 9 years ago
I bet if this game was free from the start as promised, it would have atleast 10 if not more servers, not just 2 dying. Couz it doesnt blow u away with anything its same boring grind to level up, ppl doesnt mind grinding as long as it has some meaning like runing around areas for mats and cool stuff u could actually use, but spending weeks for contest u wont need the minute u reach the level cap... please(yes theres ppl doing that just for the story good for them but its like 1 out of 10 and the story doesnt blow u away either so...) WIldstar going free to play few months later Blade and Soul coming to the west coincidence ? At last but not least devs this days just make a game and leave it for dead, theres this saying if u dont know what to do look at the guy next to you... so you are trying to steal portion of Blizzard`s success do as they do, I mean WoW is like 8gb game and 50gb patches do the math...

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TORK 9 years ago

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