Digital Extremes Announces They're In The Process Of Updating Warframe To Combat Hate Speech
Over the past week, several video game companies have made statements regarding the recent Black Lives Matter protests. One of those companies was Warframe developer Digital Extremes who posted a statement of support on Monday. Since then, they've done a bit more and announced via Twitter that not only have they donated $25,000 to support Black Lives Matter but that they'll be making changes to the game's players systems to combat hate speech and racism. Whatever changes they are planning will also include "zero-tolerance chat policies".
We have made a $25,000 donation to @Blklivesmatter in support of our previous statement.
We are also in the process of updating our player systems to better protect against hate speech and racism, including zero-tolerance chat policies.
— WARFRAME (@PlayWarframe) June 4, 2020
The company also cancelled this week's community team-led streams in order to use the time to work on the above mentioned changes -- focusing mostly on Region chat. More information on this is available on the the Warframe forums.
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About the Author
QuintLyn is a long-time lover of all things video game related will happily talk about them to anyone that will listen. She began writing about games for various gaming sites a little over ten years ago and has taken on various roles in the games community.
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It's always good to combat toxicity, but i don't get the urgency since i see nothing like that in Warframe.