Grand Epic Online: Closed Beta Launched
Grand Epic Online (GEO), an 2.5D browser MMORPG presented by Run Up Information Technology Corp, by which the register service and game access will be available again from the short break after a trial test last week.
As a browser game, this MMORPG introduces real-time action fighting with certain technical breakthroughs made, which received wild popularity during its trial test run during April 20th to 23rd.
Originally, the limit of players allowed in the trial test was set at 500 until its operating team realized there were even a couple more hundreds of players lining in the queue and feared the action of setting player number limit could irritate those who followed in yet did not get to access the game and resulted in hating the game instead. Apparently, every nerve of GEO’s operating team was challenged by the unexpected flow-in of players.
Besides real-time action fighting mode, there are a couple more things worth mentioning in this game. In addition to quest navigation and pet/mount system, GEO seems to be delivering a complexity in the game character’s continuous growth, with a number of giddy oriental philosophic concepts being used to provide various ways to enhance the character’s power, such as reincarnation, dual immortal practice, and enlightenment, each offering a specific way of self-strengthening. This just could be a real fun keeper, because it offers almost unlimited chances of power growth. There are many other intriguing details that await players to explore.
Check out the game at
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