Hitman And The Shadowrun Collection Make Up This Week's Free EGS Offerings
If you hit up the EGS this week, you won't just get one or two free games. Technically, you'll get five -- or well... four and the next episode of 3 out of 10 -- Episode 4: Thank You For Being An Asset To Our Company.
The first free game being offered this week is Hitman. This is just the standard edition that came out in 2016. If you don't grab the game this week and want it on the EGS, the currently listed purchase price is $60. (To be honest, if you miss the freebie and they want that much, I'd suggest just looking at Steam where the GOTY Edition Bundle is the same price.)
As for the other offering(s), the Shadowrun Collection -- Including Shadowrun Returns, Shadowrun Dragonfall - Director Cut, and Shadowrun Hong Kong - Extended Edition are all available as a bundle. Generally, these would run $50 for the set.
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About the Author
QuintLyn is a long-time lover of all things video game related will happily talk about them to anyone that will listen. She began writing about games for various gaming sites a little over ten years ago and has taken on various roles in the games community.
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