Jade Dynasty: Legacy Announced

MMOBomb Staff
MMOBomb Staff Posted:

Perfect World Entertainment announced a new expansion to its free-to-play martial-arts MMORPG, Jade Dynasty.

In Jade Dynasty: Legacy, players explore the secretive Incense Valley while fighting through the massive multi-staged instance, which is larger than any other dungeon currently available in this game.

Key features include:

• Two New Classes: Players can now choose between the powerful, fire-wielding Incense Valley Mages and the crippling, melee-astute Forta.
• New Instance: The Crimson Peaks Voidland is the largest instance in Jade Dynasty, designed for groups of 10-25 players to face its many dangers and claim its secreted rewards.
• Character Visuals: Character creation has been reworked, providing new visual examples of each faction, new starter fashions and even the ability to preview high-level armor sets.
• Balance and Enhancement: Several facets of gear and combat have been reworked, from rebalanced factions skills to stronger Ethereal and Celestial gear.
• Content Updates: New wedding and seasonal events, more items available for exchange with new Jade types, and more easily attainable Treasure Boxes are but a few of the many other changes.

For more information about Jade Dynasty: Legacy, or play the beta, visit: http://jd.perfectworld.com/

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In this article: Jade Dynasty.

Discussion (5)

Brad 13 years ago
had a sense? Really... FAIL

queest 13 years ago
at least HurDerps comment had a sense, not like urs

trandill 13 years ago
then why leave a comment

View 1 reply
HurDerp 13 years ago
Ooooooh, I'm not the least bit interested, but for those who like that game it's nice to have new things.

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