Kritika Is Back…Again...As A Play-to-Earn Title

Really? Come on, it closed multiple times already!

QuintLyn Bowers
By QuintLyn Bowers, News Editor Posted:

Kritika P2E

If you can’t get people to pay to play your game or even play it for free, maybe the way to go is to pay them to play it? Or, at least look like you are while you use the current crypto/NFT space to try to make the game profitable. That appears to be ALL-M’s plan for Kritika Global anyway. (Just in case any of you are confused here, Kritika Global is Kritika back...again, with yet another spin.)

Touting the game’s success during its initial nine-year run – before it shut down the first time, the developer seems to believe that that and the “New P2E game market” are the magic factors that will make this third launch stick. That’s ignoring the fact that they’ve already tried to bring the game back once only to shutter it for a second time earlier this year.

In the official announcement, the developer describes a system in which they use a “Tokenomics structure” to give players a way to earn…“values through trading”. What those values are has yet to be specified. As Fallout MMO Kritika Global, it’s a “rather convoluted crypto system” with plans to introduce NFTs later on.

However those plans work out, the devs are obviously planning to get a jump on them. The game is in open beta now and the full launch is scheduled to occur in less than a week on June 8.

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In this article: Kritika Global, ALL-M.

About the Author

QuintLyn Bowers
QuintLyn Bowers, News Editor

QuintLyn is a long-time lover of all things video game related will happily talk about them to anyone that will listen. She began writing about games for various gaming sites a little over ten years ago and has taken on various roles in the games community.

More Stories by QuintLyn Bowers

Discussion (17)

Flintstone 2 years ago
Crypto waz created when they saw peoples buy into testing a game, i.e. kickfarter etc or the player now pays the dev to work on there game tests.dumbness, you are not helping, So de' cryptos bullies thought look at all those stupid peoploids paying to test and work, so crypto marketeeers set themselves on the path to destroy gaming.
The above may not be 100% correct and its a joke, another joke is to know this has happened because we did it by our own stupidity or buying to work for someone else which we vulnerably do without thought to that, EMPLOYMENT.. of course you have your "I donated bullshit" mine is the reality, here. and shows just how vulnerable we all have been letting our guards down by all these rapid flowing money schemes and scams all encroaching GAMING.. And now we got crypto which has taken that gutter role of gaming.
lol ramble on'

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justsomeguy 2 years ago
How could anyone look at that site, and think "yep, that looks totally legit! I better write an article about this!" This is **CLEARLY** just another private server, where they shoved in crypto crap, as happened with SoulWorker months ago ( ). The difference here is that since there is no active official release of the game, the devs, or a publisher aren't around to point out the obvious.

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