Preview Some Of The First Descendant's Characters So You Know Who To Play When It Launches Next Week
Electricity, Barriers, Water... get a look at 3 of the shooter's character gameplay trailers.
Next week is a big week for Nexon as The First Descendant will finally release and anyone eager to check out the looter-shooter can get in on the action. Previous tests seemed to have yielded positive changes based on player feedback, but now it's time to start thinking about what character you'll be playing as first.
Similar to games like Warframe, The First Descendant will allow you to swap characters at will. This means that if you make the wrong decision and find that a character isn't exactly your preferred playstyle you aren't totally screwed, but starting with someone you know a bit about is always helpful.
First up we have Bunny. Bunny's game is all about electricity. Not only can she move around the battlefield quickly, but doing so actually helps her build up a nice charge that can be utilized in a number of ways. Landing from a double jump shocks those around her and other abilities actually allow her to simply run around with sparks jumping off of her and onto your foes. Shocking.
Next up is the water princess herself, Valby. With skill names like "Plop Plop" and "Laundry Bomb" how could you go wrong? Harness the power of H2O and teleport to areas you've already drenched to get the jump on enemies. Put those baddies in a stasis bubble and deal with them on your terms. Don't get wet!
Fancy yourself as the meat shield protector of the masses? Maybe Ajax hits the spot then. Barriers, knockbacks, and shockwaves are the name of the game with Ajax. He's your run-of-the-mill bullet sponge and will be the one many players will hide behind when in groups.
I think I'll be trying out Bunny first. Remember, though, there will be more Descendants in the game, with more coming later and you'll be able to open them all up through gameplay. If you aren't attached to your first pick, no worries, swap and try another character.
Who are you playing as first?
The First Descendant launches on July 2nd and will be free-to-play on PC, PlayStation 4/5, Xbox Series X|S, and Xbox One. Check out the launch times below.
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About the Author

Mike “Magicman” Byrne has been a part of the MMOBomb family for years and serves as the site’s current Editor-in-Chief. His love for MMOs and gaming in general has led him to covering games for numerous gaming websites including Gamebreaker TV and XIV Nation where he proudly displays his fanboy flag for FFXIV:ARR.
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