Trove Hits Consoles March 14
Trion Worlds' voxel-y MMO Trove is finally arriving on consoles. The official launch date of March 14 for both Xbox One and PlayStation 4 was announced on the Trove site earlier this week.
Until launch, Trion will continue running beta tests on both systems, which -- as expected -- has already resulted in a variety of changes and improvements. Some changes of note are an update to the Loot Collector, a new inventory menu, and improvements to the Club UI.
To thank console players who participated in the game's beta, Trion is giving unique gifts to them based on their system of choice. PS4 players will receive a cloud mount, the Chromatic Cumulus, while Xbox One fans will receive a unique car mount, the Trovian Tumbler.
In addition, progress made by players in beta will carry over to the live version of the game. PS+ members currently participating in the beta will earn a 20% XP buff. All players will also be able to unlock a legendary dragon mount -- Disaeon the Immortal -- by purchasing any pack from the game store during the beta event. Once the beta is over, the offer will come to an end.
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About the Author
QuintLyn is a long-time lover of all things video game related will happily talk about them to anyone that will listen. She began writing about games for various gaming sites a little over ten years ago and has taken on various roles in the games community.
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