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Ragnarok Online Revo-Classic Adds Two New Classes And Cities

As the old saying goes, "Don't bring a knife to a gun fight." Now you can do both in Innova's "Revo-Classic" version of Ragnarok Online, as the Gunslinger and Ninja classes have been added to the game, along with a pair of new...

By Jason Winter -
Lineage 2: Essence's Death Knight Update Has Arrived

The latest Lineage 2: Essence update is now available to players, bringing with it not only the new class but also 3v3 team match, a new castle for sieges, an event, and more.

By QuintLyn Bowers -
Fast-leveling Lineage 2 Essence Now Available From 4game

There's a new way to play Lineage 2, and it's meant to be a less time-consuming option that focuses on "PvP, raids, and no extra grinding." Innova's 4game division has announced the launch of Lineage 2 Essence, a new version o...

By Jason Winter -
