Valve has yet to make any public reply.
Latest On Steam
GOG on the other hand…
Lots of rumors and a VERY busy release week next week. Let's cover it!
This may have an impact on players being willy to pony up for advanced access.
It sounds like some great features.
25 other countries receive "regionalized USD pricing" as well.
New reveals, new lawsuits, and a new round of "Real or Fake Steam Reviews"!
Config app uploads can only be created by Valve, fueling speculation on an upcoming announcement.
Microsoft takes the opportunity to jab Sony saying it's more interested in fighting than an actual deal.
It was only a matter of time.
International Steam client was reportedly targeted by a "DNS cache poisoning attack."
No F***ing Thanks or Newell Flags Transactions?
If you're looking for a new PvP-centric game to try out this weekend, Mantisco is holding a free weekend event for Hunter's Arena: Legends.
EA Play Live has been dropping information left and right tonight, and some of it may start to change the landscape of digital distribution as we start to see the partnership between EA and Steam (Valve) that was announced abo...
In another effort to help keep people entertained while they're (if they're doing what they're supposed to be doing) stuck inside, yet another game is being offered up as free-to-play.
Another company is offering up free copies of a game to help people stay entertained while they're (hopefully) keeping themselves at home.
As freebie game PSAs go, this one's a bit of an odd one.
For some time now, Steam Workshop modders and mappers have been asking for a bit more oversight when it comes to submissions.
Valve has been making news the past week, announcing a new revenue split model for larger publishers on Steam.
With Steam drawing in about 15 million players at any one time, Valve has a pretty huge chunk of the PC gaming market.
When it comes to gaming, I don’t always feel like playing with a bunch of people.
Valve has put out its list of 2017's top sellers on Steam -- or, more accurately, "The top 100 games as measured by gross revenue" -- and a couple of free-to-play games are near the top of the list, alongside some blockbuster ...
Sometimes events happen in succession that might seem related but maybe aren't.
Counterplay Games' free-to-play tatical card-based strategy game Duelyst has made its way to Steam -- just a week before the game's first expansion is set to release. As with most Steam releases, this will make Duelyst availa...
Things might get very serious soon in Team Fortress 2 -- okay, about as serious as TF2 can get anyway.
Steam's annual Summer Sale is officially under way and now that Valve's had a day to wait for its servers to level out, we've decided to take a look at what it has to offer this time around.
People have a lot of mixed feelings about IKEA.
When trying to guess what the big reveal was at Runescape’s 15th Anniversary event, I don’t think anyone in the room thought about an idle game set within Runescape’s massive universe.
As part of their Make War Not Love 3 promotion, SEGA has revealed "Prize Bundle 1;" a bundle of three classic games completely free to anyone who wants to add them to their Steam library. Included in the bundle are the classic,...
So there's that free-to-play game you downloaded on Steam, played for a few months and...