The Monk will be a melee fighting class with a few support and healing abilities thrown in.
The Monk will be a melee fighting class with a few support and healing abilities thrown in.
Players and zombies...both can be equally dangerous if you aren't careful.
CipSoft has been generating serious turnovers for the past four years, and even expanding.
There’s several quality-of-life features introduced to the MMORPG as well.
Oldies but goodies.
There are still events and things, too.
There are only a few weeks left in 2017 -- something I'm sure most of us aren't lamenting.
We've been following the saga of Tibia's most difficult achievement -- a door that could only be opened by a player who's reached level 999 -- for about a year now.
Tibia is an old MMO.
Been a while since you logged on to CipSoft's free-to-play game Tibia?...