MMOBomb Ultimate F2P Showdown Round 1 Recap: Upsets and Surprises
The first round of the MMOBomb Ultimate F2P Tournament is over! It's the most exciting round of a tournament like this we've ever done! What's that? You say it's the only round we've ever done? Technically still correct...
OK, let's take a look at what we've learned so far...
Things went mostly according to form in the Warrior and Cleric divisions, with only two higher seeds claiming victory – one of them being a 9 beating an 8, which is only barely higher. Then we hit the Rogue division and everything went haywire. A late surge by The Lord of the Rings Online fans wasn't enough to stave off elimination (more on that later), and the KingsIsle community rallied behind Pirate101 to help it advance to the second round.
But the biggest shocks came in the Rogue and Wizard divisions, where both #1 seeds were booted in the first round. Dota 2 and World of Tanks both lost – the latter in such a close matchup, we had to go to decimal points! Our guess? Dota 2 and WoT fans just considered it a shoo-in to win and didn't bother showing up. It just goes to show that you can't take anything for granted.
Many of the first-round matchups were cakewalks; that tends to happen in these kind of tournaments. It's meant to give the “lesser” games a bit of the spotlight – and a chance to score the upset, as some did – before we move on to the main course. Now that some of the chaff has been whittled away, we should be able to get on to the more intriguing, and closer-fought, matchups.
Who will win? That's in your hands!
A few maintenance notes
Just to clarify, we're not playing favorites or “rigging” the contest in any way, despite what some comments have said. We did not inform any of our industry contacts about this tournament beforehand and the only notification we've given them otherwise is via the Tweets you've been seeing, which inform both sides of a matchup. It's their choice as to whether or not they choose to rally their community to vote for their games.
One game that did a great, though belated, job of such rallying, was Turbine, for the first-round matchup between LOTRO and Mabinogi. Turbine started working its fans about three hours before the Monday deadline (after the matchup had been open for 69 hours) and, at the 1 p.m. Pacific deadline had almost surged into the lead.
Here's where things get a little sticky. The polling site we were using doesn't have any way to “close” a poll, so the best we could do was, at the deadline, start going through each contest and manually recording the results. We started right at 1:00, but, being fourth on the list, the LOTRO/Mabinogi matchup might not have been officially “closed” and recorded until about 1:01 or 1:02. After recording the results and updating the website – about 1:15 – we glanced back at the poll and saw that LOTRO had taken the lead. It was too late, but that still led to some confusion and consternation. And had we gotten to the matchup a few minutes later, it could have affected the results.
As such, we've decided to switch to a different polling site for the second and future rounds, as you've probably seen already. This one will allow us to close polls, which we will do promptly at 1:00 p.m. on deadline days, to hopefully avoid any future issues like this. Thanks for voting, and we hope to good luck to all the remaining participants!
Got all that? Good! Now, on to the voting!
Current matchups: Wizard Division, Round 2
The voting on this round will close on Friday, March 14 at 1 p.m. PST.
(16) Eden Eternal vs. (9) EverQuest
(12) AirMech vs. (4) Heroes of Newerth
(6) Neverwinter vs. (3) Warframe
(7) APB: Reloaded vs. (2) Wizard101
The winners of each division will face off to determine, once and for all, what is the best F2P game – or at least which game has the most rabid fans!
M 2/24: Warrior Division, Round 1
W 2/26: Cleric Division, Round 1
F 2/28: Rogue Division, Round 1
M 3/3: Wizard Division, Round 1
W 3/5: Warrior Division, Round 2
F 3/7: Cleric Division, Round 2
M 3/10: Rogue Division, Round 2
W 3/12: Wizard Division, Round 2
F 3/14: Warrior Division, Semi-Finals
M 3/17: Cleric Division, Semi-Finals
F 3/21: Rogue Division, Semi-Finals
M 3/24: Wizard Division, Semi-Finals
F 3/28: Warrior & Cleric Divisions, Finals
M 3/31: Rogue & Wizard Divisions, Finals
F 4/4: Warrior vs. Cleric Division winners, Rogue vs. Wizard Division winners
M 4/7: The Final Match-up!
Vote early, vote often, but whatever you do, just vote!
About the Author

Michael Dunaway has been part of the MMOBomb team for years and has covered practically every major Free-to-Play MMO title since 2009.
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EverQuest Franchise Director of Development Dave Georgeson laid out the monetization plans for EverQuest Next Landmark on the game's forums today.
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The event will last longer than it has in previous iterations.

The MMORPG is already getting its first level cap increase as the catchup to the OG version begins.

Rewards include a customized action.

And yes, there are pre-registration goodies to be had.
Mabi 5-ever~
EverQuest 2 have more players than Ragnarok Online which got replaced by Ragnarok Online 2. So it should be EverQuest 2 better than Ragnarok Online in terms of graphics, content, customer service(player service), bug fixes, everything..
You know, combo oriented combat that's kind of similar to a fighting game, in that you have to consider positioning but also what attacks are viable where they all basically stun the enemy. Not just targeting an enemy and pressing a button to use a skill, or just doing so in sequence while minding the fire on the floor, I mean actually considering damage types, which attacks will keep you from being retaliated against and whether or not its viable based on your position etc. Tera isn't really like that, WoW or any of the standard MMOs aren't like that, seriously what is?
I think Mabinogi is a spectacular game because of its combat, not to mention the fact that its supposed to have something for everybody like life skills or music, tons of clothes and a really social community, but god damnit is the administration horrific. The engine is old, you get your occasional hacking outbreaks, and in some cases its pretty pay to win (Yes, I'm talking about reforges, you can get a lot more potential damage out of reforges as compared to a skill/stat hoarding build, and is also just an RNG gamble)
but the reason Im asking is because I love the combat more than any other MMO I have ever played. Its completely unique, as far as I can tell, which makes me feel like its completely under-rated, unless theres another game out there with similar combat or concept, in that case: i want to play it
Oh shut up, they were using voting bots and everyone knows it. And when someone tried to bring it to light what did you do? Turn off comments.
The fact you let this shit slide is disgusting.
Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft
Too bad not a single person at MMOBomb knows about that awesome game.
League of Legends is currently LOSING to Blacklight Retribution?
I don't like League but how the hell is that in any way possible given leagues IMMENSE following.
I call shenanigans
Maybe if Omer was hosting lol lol fail.
Regardless, Go Mabinogi!
One poll that has one game winning by 85+% has more votes than all the other polls combined & has 3x more votes than it's next closes poll. Move along, nothing to see here.
EG: DDO would be considered a Freemium game rather than a true FTP, as it requires subscription to maximise character progression. As with LotRO and EQ2. A true FTP would be unrestricted, other than aesthetic purchases and character boosts.
Warframe vs. Neverwinter?
This is going to be a tough round.
DoTa situation I'm not even going to try to comment.
The whole thing just shows that this "ultimate F2P showdown" is ultimately unobjective and in the and is an "ultimate bull****".