APB Reloaded, GamersFirst, Acquired By Little Orbit

Jason Winter
By Jason Winter, News Editor Posted:

Little Orbit has picked up APB Reloaded along with the GamersFirst portal that has published the game since 2011. The game was originally developed and published by Realtime Worlds, which famously burned through its assets and shut down the original, pay-to-play, version of the game in just 80 days.

Little Orbit's website shows three games front and center: Descent Underground, Unsung Story, and Adventure Time: Finn and Jake Investigations. The "My Games" pull-down also lists Kung Fu Panda: Showdown of Legendary Legends. According to VentureBeat, Little Orbit CEO Matthew Scott said the company is moving away from licensed games, due to the complex and time-consuming approval processes required and the need to take down the games once the license expired, which is apparently what happened the Adventure Time games.

The company won't have that problem with the unlicensed APB Reloaded. In the press release announcing the sale, Little Orbit promises "an aggressive update plan, including better and more consistent communication, a clean up of the forums, a new content roadmap and a complete rework of the banning and cheating procedures," as well as an upgrade to Unreal 4.

You'd think that when APB Reloaded got acquired by another company, it would have involved fast cars and lots of high-caliber handguns. But no, it appears that today's news is your typical business transaction. Maybe the deal was made with small, unmarked bills stuffed into a duffel bag?

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About the Author

Jason Winter
Jason Winter, News Editor

Jason Winter is a veteran gaming journalist, he brings a wide range of experience to MMOBomb, including two years with Beckett Media where he served as the editor of the leading gaming magazine Massive Online Gamer. He has also written professionally for several gaming websites.

More Stories by Jason Winter

Discussion (16)

TrypZ 6 years ago
Thank god. I bought this game when it was released and you had to go buy a physical copy. Got shut down and I played a few times when it was a Free to Play game and then again when it was released on PS4. This is one of those games that is a hidden gem and has an insane amount of potential to be a great game. However the studio behind it hasn't done A DAMN THING to fix any issues yet alone release new content. it's LITERALLY the same game it has been for the last 3-4 years.. Console version runs at a disgusting frame rate, id say around 15-30 fps tops and is constantly crashing and has loads of bugs.. I truly hope this is a sign that the game will move forward because it is incredibly fun!

Revenge of Queen 6 years ago
i love this game, this is the best news . i hope for massively unban for all players, and not for help the cheaters, but for help the legit players banned for capricciuos of some "friend" of g1 company. especially on forum the banhammer was stupid,useless and destroyed the good part of apb universe.

rickshaw 6 years ago
This game does have a lot of potential I played the beta way back when, but only the package contents. The title needs to be squashed.
They should use all the games mechanics and re code it into a new game. Its that simple.

Rundundukas 6 years ago
In right hands APB: RELOADED could became one of the best free to play games. I mean just look at it 2010 game and still have bigger customization system than any game ...

Ppl. say that APB is poor man GTA5 ,but truth is that RockStar should learn from APB thing ot two.

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Ninetenduh 6 years ago
This is a surprise to anyone, the game was entirely killed by Gamersfirst. I believe the words of Matt Scott when i see actions, he promised a lot, but all that was promised before.

The game has Huge Potential, if Little Orbit does it right and gets the things done we might see a huge revival of the game. It might actually become a really big game, that's wishful thinking but still, I invest thousands into the game and I obviously don't want to see it die like that. Tho I stopped playing years ago.

Deathloche 6 years ago
Game is fun but the fact that its pay to win to the max.

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kek 6 years ago
Game has potential, a lot. It can have a competitive scene which has been neglected by devs since forever. They just refuse to put relevant updates to what the community demands and ignore them completely. Just a simple clan vs clan matchmaking with leaderboards and rewards will boost this game by a ton.

Put thousands of hours in this gem, hope it does revive and it goes into better hands.

Gamerfirst is not taht well known, but it's just like Aeriagames... maybe worst.

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