InnoGames Shares Company Salary Information In Effort To Be More Transparent
The company shared information on about 80% of employee earnings.
Often, when talking about employment, salary is one of those things that remains a bit of a mystery. Although people can get a general idea of what a certain profession might pay, a lot of companies are unwilling to provide that information in anything other than vague terms. However, German developer InnoGames has decided to make that information public. Today, they published a post on the company website, intended to end “guesswork about the salaries in the German gaming industry”.
The post contains statements from the company’s Co-Founder and COO as well as the Director of Human Resources. Both believe this move toward transparency to be beneficial to not just employees but also the company, noting that it will lower the dropout rates in the application process and make the company more attractive to varying types of talent – including those outside the games industry. According to Director of Human Resources Dr. Andreas Lieb, they are “also sending a clear signal to potential female applicants that pay gaps don’t exist” at the company.
A PDF containing pay information across different salary bands was provided as well. However, the link seems to be missing from the press release on the InnoGames site. That said Games Industry has the list. Not surprisingly, the lowest paid employees are First-Level QA testers, who make $20k, while the highest on the list are the Product Heads at $117k.
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QuintLyn is a long-time lover of all things video game related will happily talk about them to anyone that will listen. She began writing about games for various gaming sites a little over ten years ago and has taken on various roles in the games community.
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