Nexon Reveals MapleStory Summer "Override" Updates
This summer, two big content updates will be hitting Nexon's anime-style MMO MapleStory. Titled 'Override: Evolve' and 'Override: Venture', the updates are expected to go live in June and July, respectively.
The first update, 'Evolve', will introduce stronger skills for 5th job advancement, with every class gaining access to those skills. It will also introduce the Legion System. This system will grant characters who are 'Legion Members' access to the 'Synergy Grid' which will offer them special bonuses based on their rank.
Finally, the Evolve update improves the 'Omega Sector', allowing players to visit Dr. Kim in his lab and visit new maps to fight new monsters. There's also a new boss to contend with.
The second update, Venture, will take players to the colony planet of Eluna in the Eluna Event. There players can mine minerals and earn XP for it. Minerals can also be acquired by hunting monsters, completing missions, and more. The update will also introduce a new Epic Area known as 'Arcana', home to a dying Spirit Tree. Players will be tasked with helping forest spirits save the tree in exchange for a new Arcane symbol.
More information on the new update is available on the MapleStory site.
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About the Author
QuintLyn is a long-time lover of all things video game related will happily talk about them to anyone that will listen. She began writing about games for various gaming sites a little over ten years ago and has taken on various roles in the games community.
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