Try Out Marauders' New Plunder Update During The Free Steam Weekend, Complete With New Solos Mode
The update includes a new solos only game mode.
Marauders dropped a new update recently, introducing a new, solo-only game mode for six players. The mode throws players in with a basic loadout, disguising them as raiders and tasking them with finding new loot. They’ll need to keep a close eye on their oxygen levels and avoid being killed by the other players. Don’t avoid it too much, though. Because successful kills will earn you XP.
The mode also introduces a new loot goblin, ‘The Bandit’. Track this guy down to find loot stashes in different raid locations, including Spaceport, Mining Frigate, Terraformer, and Asteroid Mine.
As is traditional with all shooters, a new update means a new weapon or two. This time, players can get their hands on the SVU Special, a heavily modified “Dragunov” style semi-automatic. It deals very high normal damage as well as bleed damage.
Those who have yet to dive into the game but are interested in checking it out get some good news as well. Beginning today and running through August 14, the game can be played for free on Steam. It’s a good time to try it out, with the new content drop and all.
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About the Author
QuintLyn is a long-time lover of all things video game related will happily talk about them to anyone that will listen. She began writing about games for various gaming sites a little over ten years ago and has taken on various roles in the games community.
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