Vigor Adds "Sawmill Shootout" Game Mode And Other Content In Season 3
Vigor kicked off Season 3 today. Titled "Rivals," the new round of content introduces a new limited-time mode and silenced weapons -- as well as useful tools and face wear. The new Sawmill Shootout mode pits players against each other in medium-to-close range combat on a portion of the Sawmill map. In this mode, players are able to respawn right up until the last minute of the match where they will then fight until the last man stands. Players will need to be careful if they want to survive, however, as the mode limits them from bringing equipment from shelters with them. The upside is that because of this, gear loss really isn't a concern.
As far as the new weapons go, players can now get their hands on silenced versions of the PSS, SVU, and MP5-K SD3. There are two new consumable tools: iodine to improve radiation endurance, and caffeine for a stamina boost. The new face wear includes masks, eyewear, and full headpieces. And, of course, since this is a new battle pass, there are new rewards and titles to be had. A full rundown on all the new goodies is available on the Vigor site.
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About the Author
QuintLyn is a long-time lover of all things video game related will happily talk about them to anyone that will listen. She began writing about games for various gaming sites a little over ten years ago and has taken on various roles in the games community.
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